I'm looking to buy some brake parts for the datsun replica, and discovered that I have my choice of vendors. I'm going to describe two different vendors, and you tell me which one you would buy from:
Company A: A large mail order shop that is out of state, but easy to use; i.e. one you've dealt with several times, and have an account with. You've never had any issues with the service, and most prices are fairly competitive. They have many helpful guides and tutorials on their website, and you've used some of them to plan your purchase. You are part of their target market; i.e. building a street rod. Your dad even worked for that company back when he was in college, and it was a small speed shop instead of the large corporation that it has become.
Company B: Local vendor that is also a mail order shop, but one that specializes in race cars, mostly of the circle track. (....probably of the dirt circle variety.) I'm uncertain of the size of the company, and have never purchased from them before, but suspect that they may also be large. I haven't found any helpful tutorials to guide my purchases, but I know they carry many of the same manufacturer's parts. A 1932 datsun streetrod made out of washing machines is NOT their target market.
Would you purchase from company A or company B?
Or if the prices are basically the same, the company I have an account with so I don't have to type in all the information again.
If I need them quick and now, I go grab some OEM from Advance Autoparts. If I want to wait and save time, I'll order straight off Ebay for unused parts. Clutches, brakes, etc. Never have any problems with new parts.
So, A and B?
Prices are within ten bucks of each other. I think the out of state vendor will even waive the shipping fee because of the size of the order.
I guess where I'm torn is that I feel like it is good to buy things from companies that give you information on how to do stuff with those parts. OTOH, I also feel like it is good to support a local vendor. What I'm wondering is how you guys decide when faced with this option.
if you already have a history with shop A, then I say "local shmokal".
If it were a first time encounter for both "A" and "B" then I would go for the local guy.
A, no question. They've already helped you out and basically invested in your business.
The local guy just happens to be geographically fortunate.
^I'm with that guy. I like to patronize the same businesses, always helps if you have a problem.
A. Which I suspect is speedway because (for now) out of state means no tax and they have been helpful in the past.
In reply to JoeyM:
Uh, both. Summit Racing is less than a mile from me.
I get almost all my parts from LKQ.
I would buy from Company A, no question, but if A were out of stock, Company B would be getting a call. 
bravenrace wrote:
In reply to JoeyM:
Uh, both. Summit Racing is less than a mile from me.
If I lived near columbus that would be something to consider. I hate snow.