Mrs Logdog and I were in the local Harbor Freight tonight picking up some casters and free flashlights when I saw their new Yeti mug knockoffs on display. We happen to have a Yeti cup she received as a gift and we have been kinda impressed with how well it keeps liquid hot. So I figured "why not" and bought one. Now the experiment begins! I heated some water up, filled the cups, spent waaaay too long looking for my bbq thermometer and started taking measurements. Im using my trusty ASE mug that doesn't keep stuff hot long as a comparison.
7:42 pm
Yeti 198.6
HF 198.6
ASE 190.4
Yeti 195.5
HF 196.6
ASE 183.8
Who will be the winner?

I am curious about this as well, I saw those tumblers on my last trip to HF.
A friend of mine owns a restaurant. One morning I was in there and saw her drinking coffee out of one of the plastic cups that they use for soda and orange juice. She said that if she pours coffee into one of the ceramic mugs that she serves it to customers in, it gets cold quickly, but it stays hot all morning in one of the plastic cups.

Looking like the HF knockoff is outperforming the Yeti!
EastCoastMojo said:
Looking like the HF knockoff is outperforming the Yeti!
Its an interesting race! Im a little surprised. They all started the same temp but it took me 10 minutes or so to find the thermometer so the ASE one really dropped quick at the beginning.
2/10/18 8:03 p.m.
Of curiosity, did the mugs start at the same temperature?
meaning the mugs themselves--where they both at room temperature or is there any chance that the yeti was cooler than the HF
mtn said:
Of curiosity, did the mugs start at the same temperature?
meaning the mugs themselves--where they both at room temperature or is there any chance that the yeti was cooler than the HF
All 3 mugs had been sitting on the counter for awhile before the experiment began. Im thinking I might reset it tomorrow to double check and track the temperature all the way down to room temperature. My dedication to science stops at bedtime
I'm interested to see where they register tomorrow morning. Are you going to let them sit overnight?
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Yep! That's the plan.
2/10/18 8:26 p.m.
Color me interested in the results. Who woulda thunk that such simple, silly stuff could be so amusing?
In reply to mtn :
Their ads are full of "Compare to Snap-on" or "Compare to Honda", so its nice to see the "Compare to Yeti" appears to be true.
New Reader
2/10/18 8:40 p.m.
Are you going to test them with ice and water also?
2 hours later-
Yeti 155.8
HF 157.0
ASE 119.3
Over 2 hours the Yeti lost 42.8 degrees, the HF 41.6, and the ASE 71.1.
In reply to jay8s :
My wife just mentioned that idea as well. Definitely have to try it.

The HF one has more condensation on the lid. Whatever that means.
Looks like it may rain. My guess is a better seal.
My friend did a similar test recently without the temperature updates. I told him to do a time lapse with thermometers in the cups but he didn't listen.
Final update of the night.
Yeti - 149.5
HF - 150.8
ASE - 110.8
Honestly not surprised. I bet they are probably made by the same people. I've found that Yeti lives on name alone in a lot of places. My Pelican Cooler totally kills my old yeti in all ways. It's sacraligious to speak bad about yeti locally being they are based here but it's true in a lot of ways.