Just wanted to take a forum survey. Who owns machine tools? I'm talking lathes, vert./horiz. mills, shapers, etc. After long dreaming about it, I'm finally getting into real machining. I bought a Logan 10" lathe with a milling attachment and some other tooling. I am excited.
None yet, but I've been shopping for a South Bend lathe and a finger brake.
Mill-Drill and a 1932 Southbend lathe.
If the harbor freight 3-in-1 qualifies as "real", then I do.
I trained on all that at a vocational high school for 4 years 1977-1980. I remember running tapes for our NC mill. I encourage young people to get into machine shops.....
I have an 8" clausing lathe and apparently a rather large Sharp vertical mill that I need to find a place to set up.
I wish I had machine tools, does that count?
My drill press would be the closest thing at 400+ lbs
I just got a baby drill press...its my first machine tool. Ive been keeping an eye out on my local CL for a benchtop metal lathe. Eventually, Id also like to own a DIY CNC Machine..but thats gonna have to wait till I have a dedicated space, and some funny money.
7/16/12 7:26 a.m.
My next door neighbor has a real Bridgeport and a real lathe. he lets me use them, and his tools, anytime I wish. I am getting very very good at.... breaking his tools.
I have a 15 inch radius medium duty drill press and a Logan 12 X 24 inch lathe. I took a couple of classes at a local comm. college some years ago. I also used to help out a racer who had a Bridgeport mill besides 2 lathes.
I don't but I am good friends with a couple machinists. If they can't do something, they know someone who can. Although I would like to have some machine tools, I got lots of ideas in my head that I would like to try.
Yep. Everything you need to make anything.