Not mine, no affiliation, yada yada yada.
EDIT: Don't know why I didn't save the URL before my comment over there..the stuff about the guys better than I was catching me in one of those things was true, though.
I've always wanted one of those.
God, yes!!!
Hey its only like 10 miles from me. 
I heart Fiestas, miss my '78 that got clobbered by a Buick. But I don't miss it $6890 worth.
Um, wow. That price. 
I guess I'm not aware of the collectible Fiesta scene.
Looks good though, I'll give them that.
I had one. I got it, because a girl I dated had one, and I thought it was a fun car to toss around.
I'll add, for the sake of the "Good God Almighty" thread, that she was a redhead.
Once again I'm glad GA is a fair distance away. Also because it keeps Florida that much further away.
The car looks VERY CLEAN! But common $6800! That's nuts!
I owned 3 of these things and the most I paid for one of them was $1700. The other 2 were both $1100. and that's back in the 80's when the cars were not even considered old cars.
Having said all that I still would like to get a nice clean one but i have no where to put it right now.
That's stupid money, but I would buy one like that if it were reasonably priced. I've had four of them so far, and a perfect collectible one would be a nice way to round out my history. It's really a "el gigante" sized Mini; same quick reflexes, same great space utilization, same pedestrian pushrod engine from way back. They were great cars.
Past Fiesta owner here, to me it's got a '6' an '8' and a '9' accidentlay added to the start of the correct price
To be fair mine was a POS
I'm sure Tom Spangler will chime in too.