Be sure to check out the hilarious training vid. It has a feature called "smileshot" that fires the BB gatling guns when the pilot smiles. Whose bright idea was that?
Looks a lot like the HAVWC from FLAG, except the wheel parts can't fold into legs.
I tried going to their website to build my own. It has crashed... wonder why?
I'm pretty sure I could build something like that for much less...a generator, some powerful offroad electric wheelchair wheel-motor units (which can go well over 10MPH), a few mega-servos to actuate the torso and arms, fab up a frame and body from your neighbor's junk like JoeyM's Datsun build
add some OTS computer & BB stuff...$1.3M is an insane price for that thing.
7/30/12 10:12 a.m.
^I agree, the value isn't there.
Still, If I was Ken Block-rich, I'd have a couple special ordered with controllable legs instead of wheels, and then go play mech wars on some private land.
Disappointing. I was hoping it could walk instead of using wheels.
That is sooooooo cool! Now if they were to make one that could walk that would be the E36 M3.
Luke wrote:
^I agree, the value isn't there.
Still, If I was Ken Block-rich, I'd have a couple special ordered with controllable legs instead of wheels, and then go play mech wars on some private land.
Yeah, the legs are the hard part! Calling this a mech is like calling my truck an AT-AT.
I think it's pretty awesome. Here's why, now they have this one Mech that's crazy expensive. Price can only go down and technology can only get better. It's like the $1500 VCR's back in the 70's and 80's. Now you can't give one away.