5/20/11 3:04 p.m.
rotard wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
rotard wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
rotard wrote:
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people. lol
The only reason I am responding to this is because I just now noticed that we both live in Greenville.
Then you might just understand why this quote is funny.
Not really.
Engineers are usually "weird" Christians. What are your thoughts on Preterism?
Revelation is a weird book, but it certainly is in the Bible, and doesn't allow for a few thousand years of 'normal' life on earth afterwards, so nope, not for me.
The Dam Site Inn has good pizza.
Funny...This thread has gone alot differently ten years ago...
Funny, I just wanted a reason to hang out with the kids doing something neat.
In reply to tuna55:
If you could reason with sinners, I guess there wouldnt be any sinners?!
And I have driven on River Styx Rd. Kinda boring.
dogbreath wrote:
The Dam Site Inn has good pizza.
Is there a park on Patterson Lake Road or Riverbank, by the Post office?
There's a sizable parking lot between Screamz and the Diner on the east side of the bridge.
dogbreath wrote:
There's a sizable parking lot between Screamz and the Diner on the east side of the bridge.
we'll be there around 5. I will be piloting the USS Enterpise DCX-2001.
5/20/11 4:48 p.m.
I'm going to the West Coast Brewfest tomorrow. 1-5pm, all I can drink from the best breweries along the west coast. If the Rapture doesn't come, we'll make our own!
Cool. I'll come down the hill around 5 and hang out for a while.
5/20/11 6:08 p.m.
ya know this kinda sux.. i have a dr's appt at 10 am tomorrow... what time is the rapture spoda happen? damn end oh the world has no repsect for peoples schedules.
5/20/11 6:46 p.m.
I hope to be having a nice dinner at that time. The flames of hell might keep everything nice and warm for me. 
(seriously--I want to hear what these berkeleywits are going to say for themselves when their "faith" is completely rendered moot by midnight tomorrow. It's so reprehensible)
Just in case I am bringing my two little angels... oh crap, well I guess I will bring the boys.
5/20/11 8:30 p.m.
16vCorey wrote:
bravenrace wrote:
Sorry, I can't make it. I have a meeting in Heaven.
tuna55 wrote:
I'll be in heaven too, if it happens. I am pretty sure it won't though, as the Bible pretty much says that nobody will know when it is before it happens... I guess those guys ignored that part of it.
Isn't that a bit presumptuous? Who made you the judge?
Umm.. Tuna is referencing the words of Jesus. Last time I checked, he would, in fact be the Judge (or at least the Son of the Judge).
So, no not the slightest bit presumptuous. Not even a teeny tiny bit.
5/20/11 8:36 p.m.
can i at least meet jungle pam first please.. it dont matta that she is like 58.. she is smokin hot. plz plz plz....
I'd love to be there, but I'm back working after a couple weeks off.
I'm sure I'll meet the rest of you there eventually...
I won't be coming to the event, I'll be in Ann Arbor.
5/20/11 8:47 p.m.
Cone_Junky wrote:
I don't understand why some parts of the bible need to be taken literally and others just need to be interprited to fit with personal beliefs. Camping took them very literally and just crunched some numbers.
That's completely untrue. Harold Camping used what information he chose to, how he chose to. Camping uses an allegorical method of interpreting Scripture which leaves the meaning of any Scripture passage purely subjective.
I don't believe the Bible should be interpreted to fit personal beliefs, nor that it is contradictory. When I find something I believe to be contradictory I dig a little deeper. After careful study, I generally find either inconclusive (not contradictory) data, or discover that it was MY understanding that was faulty, not Scripture's.
Have you followed Camping's numbers through? Did you consider the Gregorian calender, or the Hebrew calender? His logic fits what he wanted it to.
The rapture could be tomorrow. The stage is set that it could literally be any day. But no one knows the day or the hour.
How will Michiganers know it's now Hell on Earth? Will crime rates in Detroit drop?
5/20/11 11:26 p.m.
well long conversation about the whole rapture thing this evening with some friends and family. consensus is. men are the ones going to hell when it does happen. however it wont be tommorrow we arent that lucky. :) love yall just playing