Just thought I'd start a thread to see what all GRM'ers are doing at the start of a fine school season. I'm going back to be an Instrumentation Engineering Technologist (the diploma, not the trade, big difference in case you didn't know ;) ). Totally stoked that it is still in the engineering field as I withdrew from my first year of an engineering degree 1.5 years ago, also psyched that I should still be able to maintain a race schedule while doing it (Rallye Defi here I come!). What are you all up to?
I'm working my butt off until I go back to school. I've been on a co-op for the last 6 months and I'm really itching to get back. Environmental Science major here. I tried the engineering thing my freshman year.. it didn't exactly work out all that well
New Reader
8/15/08 8:52 p.m.
Mechanical Engineering Technologist, 2 year course. Starting this September
Hoping I can make good use of this course on top of being a licensed machinist.
I'll be returning to the front of the classroom....
.....Teaching a few freshman sections of Prototyping, CNC Programming, and AutoCAD in our Mechanical Engineering Technology program.
I'm going into 9th grade...
8/15/08 11:15 p.m.
Thanks for making all of us feel old. ;)
I'm restarting in three weeks, going for a BS in History and Secondary Education.
8/15/08 11:20 p.m.
I'll be going for a Ba. of Aquatic Science, but it doesn't start until February 09.
Ahh, the ninth grade, the best three years of my life. I'll be proofreading papers for whatever classes my wife is taking this semester.
8/16/08 5:45 a.m.
Whole family's going back to school. Well for some of us the school's coming back to us.
2 eldest: Political Science and Business Administration.
I'm heading back to trade school for welding certification.
School's come back to our house for the 3 youngest members of the family who homeschool.
And my wife's started teaching again. All of us. 
I am going back to the Hayworth college of Business on the campus of Western Michigan University for my final year of schooling in Advertising and Promotion.
Wally owes me a new keyboard... now mine has OJ all over it. 
Starting Year 3 of my 5 year MBA...
8/16/08 11:28 a.m.
Just started my Freshman year at Illinois State University, majoring in Actuarial Science. Is it normal for your parents to call you six times a day to tell you you don't call enough?
mtn wrote:
Just started my Freshman year at Illinois State University, majoring in Actuarial Science. Is it normal for your parents to call you six times a day to tell you you don't call enough?
They'll get over it by Thanksgiving.
I'll be a super senior getting my BS in Environmental Science and Resource Management. This is of course assuming my school gets it act together and offers the classes I need at the times I need them or at least allow substitutions. Sometimes I think my love of motorsports is a bit of an odd choice for someone with my major.
Wow, great responses so far. It is awesome to hear some of the cough older car nuts among us continuing on with their education.
Back to Georgia State on Monday; 18 semester hours. This will be for a bach.'s in political science and I only have these last two semesters to go. Does it matter that I am 32 and just getting this done? I have developed a complex about it.
My youngest started with the Goin' Band from Raiderland (Texas Tech) today. He's stoked.
Im heading back for my last semester. 2 classes, 6 credits, and i get my 2 associates degrees. I mean that counts as a BA, right?
I'll be a senior at UF in a few short weeks.
I'm looking forward to finally enjoying the #1 party school in the nation. Woot!
New Reader
8/17/08 10:54 a.m.
41 years old and still trying to finish my degree. My school just started offering Saturday classes so maybe I can start taking more than one class a semester. My wife is in nursing school after getting laid off last year. My son is a senior this year and trying to figure out which college to go to. I hope he has learned a good lesson watching his parents trying to manage it later in life.
8/17/08 3:25 p.m.
I am 39 and I am in an Master's Program for Manegment, Information systems.
the beauty of it is since I work for the University of Illinois, all my tuition is waived. I only need to buy books.
So I am working full time, taking two Graduate classes, I have three kids, a wife and am active in my local food pantry. I also race my father's sailboat (http://las-go-around.blogspot.com) And am putting tile in tthe downstairs.
SO, I am a little busy...
After 4.5 years of college 9 years ago I am finally going back to school as well. Going to Arizona State University for a BIS Degree (bachelor of interdisciplinary studies, essentially two minors in business and computers to make up a major).
Work pays for a majority of the costs, so it is finally time to go back and get that expensive piece of paper.
in 2 weeks I finish my MBA. So with an engineering degree and an MBA from a top 20 business school and being under 30. it's time to reinvent my career and life.. again.
wife is a teacher as well. she goes back in two days.