4/3/17 8:07 p.m.
A. Looking for a little side income. I discovered (on another thread on GRM) that the hinges for the tailgate glass on Ford SUV tend to rot out in northern climes. Did my research - used hinges sell around $30 on eBay.
So I went to the junkyard and bought a pair for under $4. Listed them on eBay for $14.99 including free shipping. Remember, these things sell for $30 all day long.
I get zero bids.
B. I have a really nice old Acura I want to get rid of. I listed it here for $2017. I listed it on Japanese Nostalgic car and a handful of Honda/Acura specific forums for $2750 obo. I get a lot of "nice car" and "good luck with sale". Not a single legitimate bit of interest. Not even from a scammer!
I really want to sell some stuff, but apparently I am completely incapable.
I give up.
I find it's what I have to sell - 1968 Datsun 2000 $128.00 parts car I bought? Sold every piece I could grossing almost $2,000 before eBay fees.
Really nice dining room set? Nada - sold the table and will be piecing out the 1990's china cabinet into the trash and making the bottom storage piece into a work bench - can't even get $150 for the thing - not what the ladies currently want.
Type Q
4/3/17 10:20 p.m.
In reply to EvanR:
Raise your price on the hinges. If they go $30, you may be running into people thinking "$15 = Something wrong with them" or " $15 must = scam".
Pricing psychology can be weird.
4/3/17 10:27 p.m.
In reply to Type Q:
Worth a shot. I relisted them at $24.99 starting bid with no BIN.
If they are selling at $30 do fixed price with $29.75 buy it now or best offer.
I sold several things quickly like that last week. Others i just start the auction where I can't lose money and hope for the best. I sold some army boots for $5.99 friday but my shipping was $20. I estimate shipping to san diego(far away from me) and that's my rate. If you are closer it costs me less. Buyer was under 150 miles away shipping cost $7.
4/4/17 7:36 a.m.
I start almost everything on eBay with a .99c bid. Only once did something sell for what I thought was a bad deal for me.
I have been very tempted to buy your Acura and I have tried convincing several others that they need it. Due to work I have not been able to get more than 2 days in a row off since December and will not be able to do so until August. If you still have the car in August I will most likely be calling on you.
If it makes you feel any better, I actually priced out a fly and drive on the Acura. A great deal became a crappy deal. Shipping was less stressful, but more expensive.
I even did the same thing on the Scion you sold a while back. 
I would put a " buy it now" option on EBay, I have purchased a number of things with that option.
Yea, for those hinges you want a but it now option.
Do people even bid on eBay anymore? Seems like most things I sell and everything I buy is done buy it now these days. Thanks to Amazon in large part, people don't want to wait a week for an auction to end, especially if it's something they actually need.
You just have to find that one guy! I had something posted with a $275 Buy It Now and also took offers. Got a couple of $150 offers but passed and relisted. 4th relist and found that guy! Sold a lot of stuff for best offer.
When I NEED stuff I look for only parts with a BIN, When its something that I just WANT I will bid but only in the last few minutes of the auction.
Hinges would be a need thing, An emblem would be a want thing.
Datsun310Guy wrote:
Really nice dining room set? Nada - sold the table and will be piecing out the 1990's china cabinet into the trash and making the bottom storage piece into a work bench - can't even get $150 for the thing - not what the ladies currently want.
Unemployment levels are decreasing…lots of people trapped in bad relationships due to economic constraints are now finding the opportunity to leave…home furnishing stuff (especially large, formal pieces) flood the market as a tsunami of people migrate from one large household to multiple small households.
You’re on the wrong end of this trade…get into moving, storage, and herpes ointment investments.