gearheadmb said:
Vajingo said:
I've even linked this forum for answers that don't come from myself.
I never point this forum out to the argumentative a-holes. I'm afraid they will join, and before you know it we will have a forum full of gearheadmb's.
That is a good point. Might delete my
In reply to NOHOME :
That is a damn good quote. And I've never read that before. Thank you so much for posting that!
ProDarwin said:
gearheadmb said:
One thing I do keep in mind when someone posts something wrong or unsafe on the internet is that they may not listen, but somebody else in the future may see the thread when trying to find the solution to a similar situation. I'm just as much trying to help that guy as I am the original poster.
While I lack the energy to do this anymore, I think this is valuable. Its no so much trying to convince someone to change their opinion, its pointing out the correct information in a logical way that anyone else who witnesses the argument benefits. With this I think its wise to take the Toyman approach though: state it once, clarify if needed, but no more.
OP: interesting that this forum is excepted from your list. Its not uncommon to find misinformation here, opinions stated as fact, or false old sayings repeated by those who don't know better. Its human nature.
Yes, and I have experienced that on this forum, however, the truth is generally seen by the intelligent. And the intelligent are generally recognized by each other. For instance, if Keith Tanner corrects somebody on Miata knowledge, I am going to believe Keith. It's not that he is in fallible, but it is rather that the man lives in the Miata world. If anyone knows, it's probably Keith.
ProDarwin said:
OP: interesting that this forum is excepted from your list. Its not uncommon to find misinformation here, opinions stated as fact, or false old sayings repeated by those who don't know better. Its human nature.
I think the big difference is how we generally deal with it on this forum. I've certainly posted my share of bad advice on here and other forums, but I think the difference here is that we don't have the secret coterie of egg-spurts jumping down people's throats when they get things wrong. Plus, we probably have a higher ratio of real experts in a lot of fields on this forum than you find on many other forums.
Most people follow the " don't be a dick" code on here like mentioned before.
It was definitely the reason I joined in the first place. I wasn't much of a mechanic before I joined( and I'm not sure how much I am now lol) and I could ask questions that I'd get ridiculed for elsewhere for not being able to fabricate a car from a coat hanger and a warm Miller High Life.
Slight exaggeration......but not as much as you'd think really
ProDarwin said:
OP: interesting that this forum is excepted from your list. Its not uncommon to find misinformation here, opinions stated as fact, or false old sayings repeated by those who don't know better. Its human nature.
In addition to the don't be a dick rule, many people here will change their mind when presented with facts that contradict their viewpoint. Not always, for sure, but I've seen it happen way more often on this forum than in other places.
5/4/21 6:44 a.m.
Anyone wanting to post on a car forum should be required to join first.
Well, back when there was traffic there. That place was built on a premise of "bring the tech" and would suffer no fools. Most people didn't get it and were quickly banned, which thinned out the chaff. If you played by the rules you had access to some really smart minds deep into car building and driving.
I admin a FB group for a specific car model. It's good to be king. OT posts get deleted and anyone who starts crap or argues with the admin gets an insta-ban. It's become a nice little community under my dictatorship. 
I'm not a fan of hugely over moderated groups either, there's a middle area that works well.
Another group I'm in the mods will post something like......" Karmann Ghia is the fastest car ever made" someone will point out that they are in fact slow and not in a mean way. They will punt the guy for a few weeks and apparently pm the guy that he's an idiot for weeks. These mods will post in other threads and do much the same thing, close topics that they've been proven wrong about and in general muck up everything. It's not a car forum, the above is an example
Funnily enough they also ask for money frequently for the forum as well.
This is about the only car forum I go to anymore. Most of you here are knowledgeable and not dickheads, so that's very refreshing. I usually just give my opinion about something or comment based on experiences. I try not to post about something I have no clue about, unless it is a question. Instead, I will read what others have said and try to learn something. There have also been times on here where someone has altered my opinion about something, or lead me in another direction in problem solving. Listening sometimes is far more rewarding that always thinking you know more. And it seems many people in other forums have forgotten something they should have learned in kindergarten, just be nice. It's not that hard of a concept. If I do go to other forums (and not all are car related), and they end up being a miserable place, I leave. I don't worry about correcting them and leave them to their small area of misery. Life's too short.
racerdave600 said:
This is about the only car forum I go to anymore. Most of you here are knowledgeable and not dickheads,
And the ones that are dickheads are STILL Worth plistening to!
5/5/21 7:23 a.m.
ShawnG said:
You only have to live with them for a few minutes.
They have to live with themselves all day, every day.
Just be grateful.
The problem there is they're usually too stupid to know any better. There's a reason i sold the site I owned.
Mndsm said:
ShawnG said:
You only have to live with them for a few minutes.
They have to live with themselves all day, every day.
Just be grateful.
The problem there is they're usually too stupid to know any better.
That was my thought when i read that, as well. Shame its that way... sad but true.
Vajingo said:
racerdave600 said:
This is about the only car forum I go to anymore. Most of you here are knowledgeable and not dickheads,
And the ones that are dickheads are STILL Worth listening to!
Very valid point ( and I appreciate the vote
In all seriousness, you are right. And thats a huge draw here, for me.
You can't fix stupid, but you can muffle it with duct tape.
ddavidv said:
Anyone wanting to post on a car forum should be required to join first.
Well, back when there was traffic there.
I miss there being good traffic back at the league of extraordinary shiny happy people. It got to the point you would love sitting back and watching the cat and mouse that was played with the ego cases as they got their almighty mushroom stamp as divine justice for the wasted space at other forums.