It's going to be 75 here today. Just thought I'd throw that out.
914Driver wrote: After a pretty quiet winter we got hit with 6 inches of heavy wet snow. The house next door to me was sold by an older woman and bought by a young 35ish couple. With six weeks vacation to use or lose, I took a snow day today. Guy next door fires up the snowblower, makes a path down his driveway launching the snow into my yard. Oy. Next pass, same thing. Third pass he doesn't move the chute and it fills the sidewalk next to my house, THEN it peppers into the siding and windows of my porch. I open the porch door, he doesn't see me. I whistle, he kills the machine. "I have enough snow now. Please don't refill my sidewalk, please don't hit my house" He apologized. How can you a) not see what you're doing, or b) see what's going on and think it's OK to do? Then again this is the guy that warms his car between the houses for 40 minutes at a time. Dan
This plagues me daily. Wife says I "expect too much from people" when I think all I expect is a little common goddamned courtesy. I get out of the left lane when I'm not passing. I hold doors open for people. I say "Thank you" when they do the same for me. When someone says "Good Morning" I don't respond with "Yeah, uhhh...." I apologize when I know I'm wrong. If I use the last square...or next to last one of toilet paper, I replace the roll. I wave at my neighbors, and wave back when they wave at me. I don't stick my loud as berkeley barky dog in a cage when it's 30 degrees and snowing and let him bark his head off all night, assuming all my neighbors are heavy sleepers. I try not to curse around people's kids/wives (I do come up short sometimes in this department. Sorry.) I bring my own beer, and at least enough food to feed myself to the party...and enough beer for all the moochers that don't. I cut my damned grass, keep my house looking good, and keep the parts cars out of sight. Not that I give a E36 M3 about any of those things, but I don't want my neighborhood to look like a bunch of riff-raff lives there.
Is it weird to expect the same in return?
wow, all this and nobody even mentioned the classic snow blower joke?
Why was the snowman smiling?
He saw the snow blower coming........
JG Pasterjak wrote: If not, you can always deuce in a bag and set it on fire on his porch. jg
There right there is the ultimate answer to bad neighbors (well not really, but . . . .)
poopshovel wrote: Is it weird to expect the same in return?
I don't agree with Mr. Poop on a lot of things, but amen my man.
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