And by they mean movie makers. Red Dawn is being "remade" so is TMNT but they aren't mutants any more they are aliens so can you even call them TMNT? Then they made GI Joe and messed with the character origins. The Goonies movie at least isn't a remake. The new Thunder Cats cartoon is some what passable.
I'm sure there is more. I just heard about the TMNT thing and it made me ticked off.
Red Dawn has been remade, and been sitting on the shelf waiting for MGM to sort itself out.
I followed the production, I think they actually may not have screwed it up too bad.
TMNA is a terrible idea.
3/21/12 7:53 a.m.
I hate the movie industry these days. If they're not making remakes or "reboots", they're doing sociopathic authoritarian cop/military crap. And when they're not making those, they're just straight up lobbying for fascism.
So I've opted out of the whole hoopla. I don't rent, buy, watch, download, pirate, stream, or otherwise consume any of their schlock anymore. Movies are so far off my radar they might as well not exist. I don't think I've sat through a whole one in over a year (I am occasionally exposed to snippets because other people insist on having the TV on) and the last one I paid money to a theater for was in 2009. Sure, there have been a couple that I've vaguely thought I wanted to see since then (Tron, mostly because Daft Punk were in it), but really nothing that seemed worth it to me to give any more money/exposure to that industry.
Far as I'm concerned, Hollywood can't go bankrupt soon enough. It's high time for them to berkeley off and leave society alone.
Jay wrote:
they're doing sociopathic authoritarian cop/military crap. And when they're not making *those*, they're just straight up lobbying for fascism.
Funny. I almost always pick up a distinct socialist vibe when I go to the movies these days.
I walked out of Avatar feeling like I'd been interred at a green/left indoctrination camp.
I think John Carter is a good indication of where the movie industry is today. That HAS to be rock bottom, right?
The only movies I have been looking forward to have been the comic book movies like X-men and Avengers cast.
The last 3 movies I paid money at a theater for were Land of the Dead, Seabiscuit and Sand lot.
3/21/12 8:09 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
I think John Carter is a good indication of where the movie industry is today. That HAS to be rock bottom, right?
I didn't think it was that bad (no way of condensing all the Barsoom books down to a two hour tale, so I took it for what it was). Same with a lot of newer movies, from Red Tails to Hugo. Sometimes I want good social commentary and tight drama, sometimes I just want to see giant robots beating each other up. 
Hell, I recently upgraded our living room TV to a 3D model and have been buying 3D movies like Puss in Boots, Thor, and Transformers, Dark of the Moon.
3/21/12 8:09 a.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Funny. I almost always pick up a distinct socialist vibe when I go to the movies these days.
I walked out of Avatar feeling like I'd been interred at a green/left indoctrination camp.
Yeah, that's true, when you have a celebrity director who has enough clout to insert his/her own viewpoint in, it's usually pretty left-y (not generally in a good way either.) But the 98% of films which are made by committees with no artistic direction carry no message other than "love the police, obey your authorities, and don't think too hard." How many times do we need to see the same "hero cop saves the helpless flock from an evil psycho who could be in your neighbourhood right now" drivel?
There are way too many remakes but there are still some good movies that escape every now and then.
Did we really need a remake of the 3 Stooges?
What's next, remakes of the Marx brothers films? Get some creativity for chrissakes!
Quit being a Bob Costas and just don't see the new crappy movies. I won't.
3/21/12 9:51 a.m.
I don't even go to see most of them. Independent films are (sometimes) fairly decent though.
I feel like if they are going to do a remake, they need to be able to pass a test: if your last name isn't spelled C-O-E-N, then you aren't allowed to do it.
3/21/12 10:01 a.m.
I honestly can't remember the last movie I watched in the theater that was really amazing.
Because of that I don't even go to the theater that much any more really. 
3/21/12 10:02 a.m.
The best movie I've seen that has come out in the last couple of years would have to be Rubber. That movie is the most amazing piece of crap I've ever seen. It wasn't in theaters though, at least not around here.
Movies now just take themselves too seriously, Rubber was a nice change of pace in that regard. It's pure genius in its idiocy.
3/21/12 10:08 a.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Did we really need a remake of the 3 Stooges?
Great, now that you've told me they made that, I have to be mad about it. I don't like being mad. 
Moneyball was excellent. That is all.
3/21/12 11:17 a.m.
Really? I thought it was kinda crap. Wish there'd been more story about the players, and less Hollywood-feel-goody with Brad Pitt and his daughter.
3/21/12 11:33 a.m.
Ok, anyone here that doesn't enjoy the Fast and the Furious movies is a communist. I don't care if they're garbage. They're fun to watch. Only one I never saw in theatres was Tokyo Drift. I generally go opening night to those- seeing the rice in the parking lot is FANTASTIC.
Glad to see someone else on here saw Rubber and liked it!!!
That was about the best thing I've seen lately............Hollywood seems to be turning out just crap...albeit with more baysplosions!!!!
NOTE: end of the video has a NSFW bit at the end, but hey, BAYSPLOSIONS!!!!!!!!
mndsm wrote:
Ok, anyone here that doesn't enjoy the Fast and the Furious movies is a communist. I don't care if they're garbage. They're fun to watch. Only one I never saw in theatres was Tokyo Drift. I generally go opening night to those- seeing the rice in the parking lot is FANTASTIC.
The second one was crap. Too much story line not enough 80 second quarter miles.
3/21/12 12:02 p.m.
There was a story in the second one?
Of course, Any movie where Ludacris is the best actor really needs help.
21 Jump Street is actually rather good. One of the reasons is that it is VERY aware it is a silly re-hash.
Looks like this year "might" be better:
I am looking forward to Gravity and Dango Unchained.
Moneyball was excellent!
The last movies i saw in theater... (I only go to Imax now, i don't bother with anything else.)
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time - Not bad.
Real Steel - AWESOME!!!!!!!
Batman whatever - AWESOME
The 2nd Sherlock Holmes - Meh. Couldn't follow it, jumped around too much.