we are men. Subtle hints do not work. Clever hints do not work. Obvious hints do not work. We operate on a primitive form of communication that is incapable of recognizing subtleties. Tell us what you want
we are men. Subtle hints do not work. Clever hints do not work. Obvious hints do not work. We operate on a primitive form of communication that is incapable of recognizing subtleties. Tell us what you want
On the flip side, you tell them what you want and they typically think you're joking or an shiny happy person.
Listen to us like you listen to your engine when you are tuning it and there will be no miscommunication. The problem is that we are never in tune, so it's not like you can get away with just doing it once in a while.
what was her subtle hint?
I bet it sounded like this.
"get those ugly broke ass bikes and that crappy snowmobile the hell out of my garage!"
Have you told this woman that her subtle hints aren't working? I told mine, and she explained her hint system, and we've come to a happy middle ground.
After 15 years of marriage my wife has finally listened to me about my inability to pick up on even the most unsubtle hints - just give me a freaking printed list to pick from if you want a gift you'll be happy with. That and my recognition that bright shiny rocks attached to gold usually work well have made her happier come holiday time...
maroon92 wrote: what was her subtle hint? I bet it sounded like this. "get those ugly broke ass bikes and that crappy snowmobile the hell out of my garage!"
Nope....that came out loud and clear. only problem - those are in MY garage, not hers (yes, we have separate garages)
I failed Mind Reading 101 years ago. My wife and I have an understanding. Tell me what you want or I will probably get you what I want.
EastCoastMojo wrote: Listen to us like you listen to your engine when you are tuning it and there will be no miscommunication.The problem is that we are never in tune, so it's not like you can get away with just doing it once in a while.
the problem is, I cant install a new air cleaner and reset the timing in my wife when shes cranky. I can tune a car to make the noises I want to listen to. If my car clanked on and on and onn and on, making ridiculous noise I dont care to hear, Id probably go get a new car...thats not an option in my marriage
that said, my mother in law is a great OBD scanner for my wifes wish list CEL codes
I ask for lists.
Every night when I get home there is a list on the counter, it usually reads like this:
Read list
Perform tasks on list
Make dinner using the following ingredients: Chicken, tortillas, lettuce, cheese, bacon, salsa
Feed children using the results from the dinner line
Allow children 1 hour of play time
Clean dinner mess
Wash children in bath tub using soap water and shampoo
Put night clothes on children
At promptly 8:30 put children to bed
Proceed to hoon around house until you fall asleep
After years of practice, I think i have graduated to the novice level. I was able to figure out that " This printer sucks, i hate it" actually did mean "honey, id really like a new printer for Christmas." And "I saw some slippers that are really cute, I emailed you the link so you could see them" didnt actually mean, "look at them," it really meant " please buy me those, and ill be really happy..."
Ive also added several interpretations to my dialogue. "this never works right" actually means "ive had it with this, we need a new one" where as "im having issues with this" actually means "please fix it, i DONT want a new one if you can make it right again." those two are easily confused, but ive been able to get it right most of the time lately.
Toyman01 wrote: I failed Mind Reading 101 years ago. My wife and I have an understanding. Tell me what you want or I will probably get you what I want.![]()
I took Mind reading in college... I thnk I might have failed, I never did hear from the professor
The worst is "If you don't know why I'm mad at you, I'm not going to tell you!".
P.S.- I usually know why she's mad, but it's usually something so small and abso-berkeleying-lutely ridiculous to be mad about, if I can get her to say it out loud she usually realizes how abso-berkeleying-lutely ridiculous it really is.
P.P.S.- This only works about 10% of the time, but I still believe it's a better option than "yes, I understand that you're mad because of xxxxxxxxx, but don't you realize how totally ridiculous that is?". That NEVER works, and following that plan you are guaranteed to make her totally furious.
EastCoastMojo wrote: Listen to us like you listen to your engine when you are tuning it and there will be no miscommunication.The problem is that we are never in tune, so it's not like you can get away with just doing it once in a while.
When my engine does not do what I expect I tear it apart so see what the hell is wrong with it.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:EastCoastMojo wrote: Listen to us like you listen to your engine when you are tuning it and there will be no miscommunication.When my engine does not do what I expect I tear it apart so see what the hell is wrong with it.The problem is that we are never in tune, so it's not like you can get away with just doing it once in a while.
Try that with SWMBO and let us know how that worked-out for you; once you have recovered..........
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:EastCoastMojo wrote: Listen to us like you listen to your engine when you are tuning it and there will be no miscommunication.When my engine does not do what I expect I tear it apart so see what the hell is wrong with it.The problem is that we are never in tune, so it's not like you can get away with just doing it once in a while.
or swap in a new one... ;-)
I don't get why women feel the need to randomly rearrange furniture... our living room was setup about the only way it realy worked... I know we tried about every configuration we could think of 6 months back when we got the new couch... I come home yesterday and most of the electrioncs don't work... which means guess who gets to rewire everything (we've got the computer along with the typical DVR, DVD, game system and such hooked up so LOTS of wires)
good times :-/
joey48442 wrote: I dunno, I pick up on alot of stuff I don't let onto.
Yeah, me too. I also use a little subtlety myself from time to time. Often mrsbilly3 and I can carry on a conversation in front of people where the actual content is totally missed by everyone but us. It's one of the benefits of having been together so long.
OTOH, I really wish that mrsbilly3 would get that there is no hidden meaning in most of my communication. When she asks: "Would you rather A or B?" and I say, "it doesn't matter to me," I really mean it doesn't matter. I don't mean: "I'm not going to tell you and if you guess wrong I'm going to be in a snit for the next 6-8 hours."
billy3esq wrote: OTOH, I really wish that mrsbilly3 would get that there is no hidden meaning in most of my communication. When she asks: "Would you rather A or B?" and I say, "it doesn't matter to me," I really mean it doesn't matter. I don't mean: "I'm not going to tell you and if you guess wrong I'm going to be in a snit for the next 6-8 hours."
See also: Fine=anything but fine
Grtechguy wrote: Tell us what you want.
The problem with that is, if you still don't get it, it's all on you, man. I've learned that lesson the hard way.
Grtechguy wrote: we are men. Subtle hints do not work. Clever hints do not work. Obvious hints do not work. We operate on a primitive form of communication that is incapable of recognizing subtleties. Tell us what you want
Obviously you're not "getting it". Listen, stand there like the village idiot and just smile and nod. Everyone has a point of view and someday you may sway her over to your side, but in the mean time is this the hill you want to die on?
A lot!
Just stand there like the village idiot listening to her point of view, don't get emotional, don't poke holes in it, just listen.
Later when reconciling, making up, whatever, listen. Listen. Listen a lot; the female body is capable of fantastic things, but if you're a butt head and don't listen when she's on a rant, you'll never got to listen to the good parts.
Got it?
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