1/29/09 6:24 a.m.
I got a parking ticket that I couldn't help. The letter explains it all. I'd like your input on the letter. I want to make sure it comes off as respectfull as possible.
Dear Public Servant,
My name is Dr. Boost. I am writing this short letter to admit responsibility with explanation regarding ticket # 1063810A. This is a parking ticket. My car was parked in front of my house on the morning of 1/16/09. I am aware that there is no parking on my street during the winter months. A few days a week I have to park in the street until my wife gets home, and then move my car in behind hers. Well, on the evening of the 15th I went to move my car and it would not start due to a frozen battery. Not just a weak battery, a frozen one. That night the temperature dropped to -15 and my battery froze. When a battery freezes it will not take a jump start (doing so could do serious damage to the onboard computers of either car involved since the battery is internally shorted). I removed my battery and got it in the house so it could thaw and left a note on my windshield to let an officer now that my car was immobile at the time. I’m assuming the officer didn’t see the note since my car looked like a block of ice the next morning with frost on the windows, inside and out.
I lost my job in August and have since found a job but our budget is very tight so I’m asking for your compassion and leniency in this matter.
The next morning the battery had recovered and has been in service ever since.
Respectfully yours,
DrBoost wrote:
I got a parking ticket that I couldn't help. The letter explains it all. I'd like your input on the letter. I want to make sure it comes off as respectfull as possible.
Dear Public Servant,
My name is Tracy Pospeshil. I am writing this short letter to admit responsibility with explanation regarding ticket # 1063810A. This is a parking ticket. My car was parked in front of my house on the morning of 1/16/09. I am aware that there is no parking on my street during the winter months. A few days a week I have to park in the street until my wife gets home, and then move my car in behind hers. Well, on the evening of the 15th I went to move my car and it would not start due to a frozen battery. Not just a weak battery, a frozen one. That night the temperature dropped to -15 and my battery froze. When a battery freezes it will not take a jump start (doing so could do serious damage to the onboard computers of either car involved since the battery is internally shorted). I removed my battery and got it in the house so it could thaw and left a note on my windshield to let an officer now that my car was immobile at the time. I’m assuming the officer didn’t see the note since my car looked like a block of ice the next morning with frost on the windows, inside and out.
I lost my job in August and have since found a job but our budget is very tight so I’m asking for your compassion and leniency in this matter.
The next morning the battery had recovered and has been in service ever since.
Respectfully yours,
Weird that I couldn't see the whole thing Until I hit quote....
but, most likely not gonna help
and my quote from you doesn't show the whole story....BAXTER!!!!
it's a good effort, but (livonia experience tells me) good effort plus 25 cents gets you a gumball.
can't hurt to try.
one addition: don't ask for leniency, because that could be a reduction in fine. You want to ask for the fine to be waived.
unless you don't really care about the money and you're just testing the waters of your traffic enforcement.
OK, one more edit: "Dear Public Servant" sounds (IMO) like you're trying to establish an upper hand as a taxpayer, ie they work for you. Sounds douchey to me. I'd open with "Dear Parking Enforcement" or similar, that pulls their office title into the greeting. Significant reduction in doucheness versus "Dear Person Who Owes Me Because My Taxes Pay Your Salary"
AngryCorvair wrote:
it's a good effort, but (livonia experience tells me) good effort plus 25 cents gets you a gumball.
can't hurt to try.
one addition: don't ask for leniency, because that could be a reduction in fine. You want to ask for the fine to be waived.
unless you don't really care about the money and you're just testing the waters of your traffic enforcement.
OK, one more edit: "Dear Public Servant" sounds (IMO) like you're trying to establish an upper hand as a taxpayer, ie they work for you. Sounds douchey to me. I'd open with "Dear Parking Enforcement" or similar, that pulls their office title into the greeting. Significant reduction in doucheness versus "Dear Person Who Owes Me Because My Taxes Pay Your Salary"
+1. I am sure the letter will be given to the official that wrote the ticket. He/She may choose to exercise their discretion to let you off, but initially addressing the officer as "Public Servant" couldn't possibly help them to sway the other way.
is the ticket from the police or a separate parking enforcement agency? If its the police, and it hasen't been more than a day or two you should go down and talk to some one (the chief if possible) at the police station. that has worked for me a few times.
Yeah, I only saw what was in the quote - not the whole story. Weird.
I agree about the "Public Servent" approach not being too strong. Try this one:
Listen, Ho:
I got this berkeleying ticket on my mother berkeleying car. What's all this E36 M3 about? I had my berkeleying car on the berkeleying street and when I tried to park it legit, it wouldn't start. Man, this E36 M3 is berkeleyed up. I even tried some E36 M3 to make the battery work, but it's E36 M3 was berkeleyed. I left a note to holla at the 5-0, but he ignored my E36 M3. I'm not paying this berkeleying fine. Take it off my records now.
Every time there's a big snowfall in Minneapolis and they declare a snow emergency (to get the cars off the street so the plows can clear them) several thousand cars get ticketed and/or towed. The local TV stations always send their cub reporter down to the impound lot to interview the people waiting in line to get their cars back. They have all kinds of great excuses why they didn't move their cars in time, but unfortunately they never help...
Here in VA I've been able to contest parking tickets in court.
Here's my take on it. In your letter you admit that you know it is illegal to park where you did. You also admit that you did it anyway and furthermore you admit that you do it on a semi-regular basis. Regardless of your reason for doing it, these are not things I would devulge voluntarily.
I would toss that letter and just pay the ticket. You knew the risk when you parked there and it bit you in the ass. Sorry to hear that it did, but there it is. 
It's a waste of a stamp, but go ahead.
So what is the fine for parking ? Here it is $10.
I don't see how you letter makes any money for the city...
...or are you assuming there is another reason they give tickets?
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Here's my take on it. In your letter you admit that you know it is illegal to park where you did. You also admit that you did it anyway and furthermore you admit that you do it on a semi-regular basis. Regardless of your reason for doing it, these are not things I would devulge voluntarily.
I would toss that letter and just pay the ticket. You knew the risk when you parked there and it bit you in the ass. Sorry to hear that it did, but there it is.
Thanks for the input, but there is one detail I didn't mention. It's only a no parking zone from 11 pm to 6 am. I parked there in the afternoon and tried to move it about 10:30 or so. Maybe I should put that detail in there tho...
aircooled wrote:
I don't see how you letter makes any money for the city...
...or are you assuming there is another reason they give tickets?
Amen brother! Cops are just tax collectors IMO.
Thanks all for your input on the "Dear Public Servant" thing. That specific opening I was hoping for input on. I'll change it.
To answer some questions asked: I don't know how much the ticket is for, a cop wrote it, I can go to court but am trying not to take time off work.
Thanks all, I'll let you know how it turns out.
Darling fascist Bully boy, waive my parking ticket, you bastard. May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman, DrBoost.
Well good suggestions so far...the letter probably won't help in any case but it's already written up so
might as well...
How much is a parking ticket?
If you're getting points on your license I can see making a fuss, but like E.C. Moho said, you're admitting to being wrong and this isn't your first time. Explain that you wife/teenage child/grandmother didn't know any better and parked the car there, left the parking lights on the battery died. I couldn't move it.
"Dear" Authorative Pigbastard is a term of endearment, like you have affection for them, try starting with good morning.
It's OK to lie to these people.
New Reader
1/29/09 1:38 p.m.
Aren't you barking up the wrong tree? Contest the ticket in court. Who knows, you might have a sympathetic judge.
Confuzion3 just made me laugh harder than I have in WEEKS. Thanks dude.
"I am aware that there is no parking on my street during the winter months. A few days a week I have to park in the street until my wife gets home, and then move my car in behind hers."
If possible make up a story that leaves that part out, becasue otherwise there is no reason for you not to have ot pay the ticket. Although I think its pretty rediclouos to get a parking ticket infront of your own house, reading the letter like a cop would think, it sounds like the ticket is just part of the cost of keeping your wife happy by letting her park closer to the house.
I've found two ways of getting out of a ticket.
1.) Hire lawyer, spend money. Not recommended unless it's a speeding ticket. Worth the money if you're looking at a big insurance rate increase, but otherwise it's cheaper just to pay the stupid thing.
2.) Being the SO of a cop's daughter. Even then, it only helps in the jurisdiction where her father works.
Seriously though, if you can take off for the court date, you may be able to tell the details to a judge and get it reduced (especially if you don't have sixteen previous violations of this nature). Focus upon the mechanical problems and the possible damage. "I wanted to move it, Your Honor, but replacing the brain modules costs eleventy billion cubic dollars...", etc.
Good luck. Let us know how you do. Man, I hate garbage like that. When I was in college, we used to call it the "enthusiasts' tax". IIRC, my younger buddies that are into the Japanese Tuner scene call them "nuisance tickets".
MCarp22 wrote:
Darling fascist Bully boy, waive my parking ticket, you bastard. May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman, DrBoost.
Not obscure enough. Now go make dinner, Neil...before I hit you with this cricket bat.