One of our laptops (HP) runs Windows 7. When my wife turned it on yesterday, all we got was a blank blue screen.
This morning, I was able to get it to run "Startup Repair".
It says "Attempting repairs...Repairing disk errors. This may take over an hour to complete."
It's been like this for over two hours now. Should I suspect that it is still trying to repair itself or do I need to think about trying something else?
Doesn't sound good. Could be a crashed hard drive, or I/O failure on the MB.
Not that it means much, but how old is it?
Hard drive scans can take a long time of some of the new very large drives.
Good lesson whatever the result though. Make sure to get yourself an external drive (they are pretty cheap) and use the backup features of Win7 (which is pretty good) to safeguard your computer and data (it does a system backup as well as a data backup).
8/26/10 11:20 a.m.
Yeah that doesn't sound like a win7 problem, that sounds like a hardware problem. gad
Warranty time! Call the manufacturer and have them replace the drive.
BTW, laptop hard drives are notororious for failing due to the spinning platters being subjected to moving while running. This causes the drive heads to hit the platters, much like a record needle skipping.
Newer drives and systems have g-meters built-in to attempt and protect the drives from impacts, etc but they aren't foolproof.
my windows 7 for my netbook almost never shutsdown properly. started doing it within a few days of purchase. had it replaced once, second time i said fugg it. just have to stick around whilst it does the blue screen thing and then select start windows normally, as opposed to the lengthier option. netbook works fine otherwise, just won't shut down on the first go most times. and it's one of verizon's hp netbooks 
My wife runs windoze 7 on her laptop. It has a BSoD event like you describe last week. It managed to repair itself and it's OK now. Maybe this is a "feature" of a recent "update"?
Bad hard drive, to be replaced under warranty.