We are getting a puppy and I'm interested in a wireless invisible system. The GPS based system for Invisible Fence would probably be perfect, but I'm pretty sure that it's insanely expensive so I'm thinking about something like the Havahart or something similar.
I refuse to cut my driveway for a traditional wired system, but I have an odd shaped yard to deal with.
Any experience or suggestions?
They don't work if the dog has enough speed and is willing to take the small shock. Had a friend that had this problem. One wouldn't cross the invisible line, the other just took a running start and didn't slow down,
12/26/15 11:15 a.m.
Have you seen these? http://amzn.to/1mb5JTx
My neighbor has one and it seems to work pretty well.
We had a traditional wired invisible fence and it worked well too for a pretty big yard. The dog figured out that if it ran and jumped fast enough, she could get out. Then she couldn't get back in. The installers somehow ran the wire under the driveway and sidewalk without cutting.
12/26/15 11:30 a.m.
In reply to asoduk:
i have that petsafe unit. we have had it for about 6 years and it works well. it is nice to be able to take it to the cottage or other spots on vacation and not have the dog run off. it will allow about a 90' radius from the unit.
I've had the wired units twice. With the concrete driveway I ran the wire at an expansion joint. At my current asphalt driveway I sawed a line where the sidewalk crosses the driveway. Neither time was it noticible afterward.
Invisible fences are great but they are definitely a training tool and not a "barrier". If you put in the time and train the dog well, you're golden. If you just turn your dog out with a collar, neither of you will be happy.
I have the petsafe system. Works wonderful for 200
We have a petsafe with anti run through. I ran the wire around the acre and up both sides of the concrete driveway into the garage. So he can leave the property down the driveway on a leash without getting a shock. It a really good setup. I trained him as soon as he was big enough to wear the collar. It took 4 days and he has only had maybe 3 mild shocks. It's on setting 2 out of 6. The kids like shocking themselves though.
The anti run through means he can't bust through the zone. He keeps getting shocked until he comes back so you have to be sure he understands that when you train him. Our dog is a big active lab and he has never got out other than when the thing was unplugged for almost two weeks. He often stays out in the yard all day without his collar on. He just won't even test it any more.
It's all dependent on buying a good setup and TRAINING. We have th invisible fence brand, and have used it successfully with 5 dogs.
bearmtnmartin wrote:
I ran the wire around the acre and up both sides of the concrete driveway into the garage. So he can leave the property down the driveway on a leash without getting a shock.
Can you elaborate on this? How is it wired inside the garage?
asoduk wrote:
Have you seen these? http://amzn.to/1mb5JTx
My neighbor has one and it seems to work pretty well.
We had a traditional wired invisible fence and it worked well too for a pretty big yard. The dog figured out that if it ran and jumped fast enough, she could get out. Then she couldn't get back in. The installers somehow ran the wire under the driveway and sidewalk without cutting.
My brother has used that successfully for 15 years and with three dogs, but the 90' radius will be too small for our yard.
I have had one in the past, it worked better on some dogs than others. Two hunting dogs I had I swear they would evaluate the pain vs pleasure [chasing rabbits] and blow through the wire if it was worth it to them. Then when they were done they would come back to the line and whine because they couldn't get back in without a jolt.
Woody wrote:
bearmtnmartin wrote:
I ran the wire around the acre and up both sides of the concrete driveway into the garage. So he can leave the property down the driveway on a leash without getting a shock.
Can you elaborate on this? How is it wired inside the garage?
I just ran around the perimeter, along the edge of the driveway and up the side and over the garage door to the controller, and then back down the other side. We take off the collar when he leaves the property so he knows he is safe going out that way. But if he goes on the leash straight out the middle of the garage door the wire is far enough away that he doesn't get zapped anyway.
12/26/15 11:29 p.m.
didn't work for us ...
Molly would just ignore it ... no running start or anything like that ... just walked through it ... regardless of how high I set it, how close I would tighten it to her neck, or how we treated her fur ... (the manufacture suggested petroleum jelly to stiffen the fur in the area of the contacts) ... I'm sorta living proof that it was working and would deliver a pretty good wallop ... she just ignored it 
bearmtnmartin wrote:
Woody wrote:
bearmtnmartin wrote:
I ran the wire around the acre and up both sides of the concrete driveway into the garage. So he can leave the property down the driveway on a leash without getting a shock.
Can you elaborate on this? How is it wired inside the garage?
I just ran around the perimeter, along the edge of the driveway and up the side and over the garage door to the controller, and then back down the other side. We take off the collar when he leaves the property so he knows he is safe going out that way. But if he goes on the leash straight out the middle of the garage door the wire is far enough away that he doesn't get zapped anyway.
Wow, I would have thought that the unburied wire would still zap him from garage ceiling height. This option appeals to me.
You can put some twists in the wire to cancel the signal anyway. But I didn't bother. If he leaves the property we take the zapper collar off and put a regular collar so we can attach a leash and let him tear our arms off. Can't put a leash on the zapper.
Woody, I've just had a system put in. For my 7 acre property in CT, I looked into invisible fence's GPS setup, but that would have trimmed out at over 7k, with no real benefit. I was quoted ~2k from petstop and dogwatch, and 4k from invisible fence. For us, it was worth it to pay someone else to do it, so they could play in the ~4.5 acres that are wooded, and the system was guaranteed to work.
They have a rototiller modified with a saw blade and line placer that made it a snap even for going through the woods. I ended up going with dogwatch, as SWMBO felt more comfortable with the trainer, even though I think petstop has a killer app that no other system does, which is the ability to tell when a dog has tested the boundary. On our property, we can't always see them.
We had it installed two months ago, and the guys stopped by for training/adjustment 4 times (we have older, fairly well trained dogs). The other night the entire family walked over to the neighbors when the dogs were out and they just stopped at the border.
We love having it! Should have done it years ago!