1/18/15 9:46 a.m.
now with Roku and 4 or 5 devices, would it help me to upgrade this Motorola surfboard model sbg6580 docsis 3.0......ec94 wpa psk it is about 4 years old, swmbo cannot use her laptop upstairs, we have Charter superfast just below business class, thanks in advance
If it's a 6580, that's a pretty good wireless modem.
Has she been able to use her laptop upstairs and this is a new issue or is this the first time she tried to use it?
It sounds more like a range issue more than a capability issue
Yeah sometimes a range extender is all that is needed to move the signal closer.
If you have access to the attic and/or basement/crawl space you could wire some of the rooms for network cable and cut down on the wireless devices and connect a range extender to the router via cable to ensure the best quality signal.
1/18/15 10:55 a.m.
if she is one online and I fire up my company laptop it kills hers or makes it very slow, mine will work up stairs, I got the range extender, but it will not connect to my router my buddy said because the extender is a "G" and the router is a "N", n can go to g but g cannot go to n...........yes I pulled a cat 5 to my shop and it works fine........
Sounds like you need an N extender then, though a G extender should work, there could be some incompatibility issues
How old is your laptop vs her laptop?
1/18/15 12:32 p.m.
mine is one year old, hers is about G the way to go? we both work from home and need maximum band width.
I would try to sync the G and see how it goes. It should work. Syncing a G extender to an N router shouldn't be an issue.
Just remember, once you sync a G to an N, the N will only push out G speeds to all devices. So if you want those higher speeds, an N extender may be the way to go.