Going over the wiring diagram to put a 1996 Ford Mass Air inline 6 in the '57 Vanette. Can't seem to find an answer on the internet for this Pink and Light Green wire..."TO MIL IND." Know what it is?
Ah I cut it off in the picture, but 3/4 over the MAF sensor is pins 88 and 36 and the BLK/YEL-BLK/WHT wire. Reading this from the MASS AIR FLOW SENSOR the BLK/YEL wire turns into a BLK/WHT wire and goes nowhere? or just dead ends and is really not used? Correct? or ?
Wiring is only fun for me when the car finally starts and does not catch itself on fire.

2/26/13 1:08 p.m.
MIL usually means Malfunction Indicator Light. I think that's your check engine light.
goes to your Mother In Law Indicator. God help you if THAT lights up.
2/26/13 1:24 p.m.
Yup, check engine light. So you don't need it.
And the wire you are inquiring about from the MAF, blk/ylw to blk/wht and goes "nowhere", just means it terminates to "a" ground. If it doesn't list a location, like your MIL indicator, it will TYPICALLY be ground.
Last time my check engine light came on, I opened the hood, checked to see there was indeed an engine in there, closed it, and went on my way.
Ranger50 wrote:
And the wire you are inquiring about from the MAF, blk/ylw to blk/wht and goes "nowhere", just means it terminates to "a" ground. If it doesn't list a location, like your MIL indicator, it will TYPICALLY be ground.
So it may be "a" ground, but not displayed by having a specific ground symbol like the BLK wire here for example? Thanks for the help.

It could also be a spliced ground and just missing the ground and splice number.