Coupla decades ago I built a 14 X 14 ft. deck off the back of the house (south side). The joists run north and south, straight line away from the house, with a herring bone design cover. It was sturdy but needed attention, add to that the free money for working part time, next thing I know I'm building a deck and my sock drawer stash is gone!
The foundation are sono-tubes filled with condrete and rebar with 2X6 cross members.
Before: (there were flower pots and a chiminea around the perimeter).

The process:

I was going to put this in the "Show us something you built" thread but couldn't find it. With the boards off, the rusty broken nails are left and I wanted an easy way to remove them. Two 3/8" nuts welded to scrap metal and I invented a real nail breaker.

The old joists run north & south, the same way I want to run the new deck. I spent a whole morning cutting and installing cross members and realized that would take forever! I'm good at stuff 'cause I end up doing it twice.... I removed all the joists and started over.
I bought a Nissan Frontier but it won't be here until next week. In the mean time, did you know Jetta is German for Truck?
I know, I know, it's got a bit of a list. Trex is slick stuff (I like the new fastening system) add a little freezing rain to a slick plastic floor and you're on your butt before you can say Gravity Sucks!
Next time on "Wutdahellzedoin?" we address the age old question: How do you build a Pergola Unca Dan?

I'll be doing two more decks soon. One at my house and one for a buddy.
Are you just re-skinning, or new framework?
Edit... you ninja posted while I was typing.
Looks really nice. composite decking for the win.
Looks much better! I want more info on the nail breaker - you just snapped them off instead of pulling them? Sounds a lot easier.
In for hot pergola action!
Jettas are really good for hauling wood.

The deck looks really good, I've helped with a couple and they never went that quick.
How did you like the Trex overall? Think it's worth it? Any particular reason you dropped that one corner that much?
I like the Trex so far, it won't rot. The whole thing has a starboard list so water runs off; Trex is slick enough without the water.
So to finish up this adventure, we got home from a weekend with the kids and found new furniture on the front porch. We also bought a new Chimenea from a shop in Westport, CT., gong to buy fire brick this morning. The umbrella's leaving when the Pergola goes up next month.

Looks nice! I would never have thought about tilting it on purpose for drainage.
I dig that chimnea!
I've got to redo our deck but I think I'm going to tear it off and do a patio in poured 'crete or flagstone or something instead. I'm not fond of the heat level or walking surface on Trex. I go barefoot about half the summer and it will scald your feet down here in the south, and the misses has a tendencey to slip and fall down.
looks good, reminds me that I really need to rebuild my decks, but I am not doing a thing till I get back to work.
Look at the size of that guy's deck!