Wife had to work, so I snuck away to a gun show. Mainly I was planning on finger berkeleying a bunch of pistol, as I'm looking for a conceal and carry piece. Well after rubbing my mitts on every pistol at the show, I started wandering. Saw an Arisaka for $200, couple of very good looking SKS's for around $300, etc etc. Finally I wandered near some Mosin-Nagants. I was just browsing at first when the seller says "$159". I joke my wife would kill me. "$149". The one I was looking at appeared to be in very good condition (pre-war Hex) so a call was made. She didn't answer. So I got it anyways. It looks like I over paid a bit, but I consider it a fair trade to be able to handle and inspect the rifle before buying it. Came with a bayonet and ammo pouches (Plus a free hat!).
So, all in all, not a bad day.
I looked at MN's today at a gun show too. Didn't see "the perfect one" so I am still MN-less. For what they wanted, I could get one any time at a local dealer. In fact, several were local dealers. One bill for the $69 wholesale rifles. I suppose that's still a good deal, but none of them just called "Take Me!!" I really don't need yet another caliber anyway. Kinda like the 40 wonderguns. Sure, they're cool and all, but will they really do anything a 45 or a 9mm won't? So I don't need a 40 either.
BTW, I think this is near "the end" of the cheap MN's. Ammo is creeping up. I think about 20 cents a pop for east Europe mil-surp is the going mail order rate. Watch as it climbs, then the cheap MN's will be gone, like the SMLE's, Mausers, SKS', 1903's, etc. before them.
The thread title sounded like the start of a blues song. Is it?
I thought it was a reference to the Alabama 3 song ...
Nuggets are fetching $150 now?
Depending on the condition, that Arisaka was cheap. Congrats on the Nagant. If that was the only rifle you owned you could do a lot worse.
Good timing. Sooner (or later) you're going to need it.
Engadget said:
In this case, it obtained a perfect bullseye after just eight attempts. can we possibly stop an uprising of adorable robots that never miss?