What was I thinking? Desperation.
My ex that actually enjoyed going autoxing......I almost bit the bullet and married that one, sometimes I wonder what would have been, and the rest of the time I am glad I didn't. She was a ginger, so you all see where this is going.......
Yeah my best Christmas gift from the ex was a toaster oven, I've had more mileage out of that then her, still have it too lol.
Got the hobag back a little later that year when we were at Wal-Mart, I went to grab the car while she waited at the front door, I waited until there was a bunch of people around, drove up, rolled down the window and yelled out "hey pretty lady, how much you charge for a good time?"
Apparently a wedding ring, and about 3 years of my life, on the plus side I did loose a good 75-85 lbs in those 3 years, not really in a good way but still a plus!
ThunderCougarFalconGoat wrote: I switched to using my left hand once, but it just wasn't the same.
The sloppy hookup vs. the skilled lover
lolztastic thread BTW, makes me feel better about being single so much
I know exactly what I was thinking every time. My thinking has changed a lot, but it worked for the time.
One thing I've found: All women are insane in at least one area. For at least one aspect of life, take all logic and reason, and throw it out the window. Men are probably like that as well, but in my head everything makes sense.
mtn wrote: One thing I've found: All women are insane in at least one area. For at least one aspect of life, take all logic and reason, and throw it out the window. Men are probably like that as well, but in my head everything makes sense.
Pretty much all of us on this board are insane in the car area. I know I am.
Since relationships are basically a war where you get to sleep with the enemy, I would have to say "All of them".
NOHOME wrote: Since relationships are basically a war where you get to sleep with the enemy, I would have to say "All of them".
Wow! Here I thought I was a cynical guy, but you got me beat by a mile !
Worst relationship I had, I know what I was thinking. Last year of highschool and all naive and idealistic believing in being "the one" and crap like that. Although she had... issues... the bigger fault was my own for not being mature enough to know to just move on when going off to college.
T.J. wrote: Am I the only one that came to this thread for the pictures? Where are the pictures?
Search back for the "is your wife hot" thread
I haz a checkered past. There's been only two I'd say I regret; unfortunately I married one of those two.
The rest I'd say were, as another poster says, each exemplary in their own way.
One comes to mind. During college... They've all been bat-sh1t-crazy in some way or another, but she took it to another level. Drove around with a 1911-style BB gun in her glove box. And would wave it around when other drivers pissed her off. That's just one example. She truely was nucking futz. Bearing in mind, this was back in '93. What was I thinking? Duh...
NOHOME wrote: Since relationships are basically a war where you get to sleep with the enemy, I would have to say "All of them".
Yours, maybe. I respectfully submit you should try a different filter set than the one you've been using, when considering future relationships.
No "what was I thinking" regrets here. I dated / loved several girls in high school. I figured out the first one was just using me as a crutch when her jackass boyfriend decided she was worthy of his attention again. I should have seen that farther in advance than I did. But hey, I had the first-girlfriend experience with her, and so it wasn't hard to get over her because I got to do the dumping ("It's not me; it's you..."). The second one hurt a little more because I thought there was more potential ("Maybe it is me after all..."), but I got over that too and still talk to her occasionally, even 30+ years later. Had a couple other "Let's hang around together and make out a little" girlfriends; I liked them, they liked me, but when it ended it ended with no real hurt on either side.
Met my future wife as sophomore in college; friends first, then more, then engagement, then marriage. I'll let you know how I feel about that when it ends, which I don't really expect to happen. She still seems like The Special to me.
My last girlfriend before meeting my wife. I even wrote a story about it:
TL:DR - Traded bitchy girlfriend for awesome car. Good trade.
mtn wrote: I know exactly what I was thinking every time. My thinking has changed a lot, but it worked for the time.
Every girl I dated fit exactly where I was in life. Every new girl I dated was better than the one before. The "crazy" I mentioned earlier wasn't without an equally crazy partner (I think I was drinking a 12-pack a day then?). When I "grew up" I met my wife*.
Good times
*Although it could also be the fact that I moved from "boobs" to "butt". My wife has the most awesome butt
Excellent story, and trade!!
slefain wrote: My last girlfriend before meeting my wife. I even wrote a story about it: http://www.autotraderclassics.com/car-article/The+Classics+Perspective+_+Good+Trade-61398.xhtml TL:DR - Traded bitchy girlfriend for awesome car. Good trade.
All relationships were started for a reason, all of them had good and bad, all of them were learning experiences; but all of them are not here for a valid reason.
Been married to the same girl for 35 years. I am well above the National Average in about every category you can think of.
I wish you all the same.
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