This is why I have an issue with mandatory sentences and minimums.* Not to excuse the DUI, but like the previously mentioned poster's brother who was rear-ended while inebriated, is that his fault? Did the DUI contribute to the accident? Perhaps. Did the rider running well over the speed limit and running a red light contribute to the accident? Absolutely.
I do support harsh penalties on DUI, no matter the substance, but I don't know that I support a blanket at-fault penalty if you are involved in some accident.
*(Aside from the part where they aren't always used or aren't charged as they are supposed to be.)
Agreed, don't Drink & Drive or Text & drive, the only variable is WHERE you do it.
One of my co-workers recently spent some time in jail for tracking down a couple of guys who stole a few of his motorcycles...then beating the piss out of them with a baseball bat.
The_Jed said:
One of my co-workers recently spent some time in jail for tracking down a couple of guys who stole a few of his motorcycles...then beating the piss out of them with a baseball bat.
MFs were under the influence of Louisville Slugger
The_Jed said:
One of my co-workers recently spent some time in jail for tracking down a couple of guys who stole a few of his motorcycles...then beating the piss out of them with a baseball bat.
Hopefully they're permanently crippled enough to never be able to ride a bike again. Zero sympathy.