I know it's difficult to get a car into just one photograph, but seriously. Not only was this taken at night while illuminated by headlights, but it's only of the drivers side doors and rear quarter. Why do some people have such a hard time getting a whole car into a picture? Is it really that hard to take a picture of your car during the day?

Looks like someone is shining a flashlight on this one...

Ad for a 06 Ford 500. That was the only picture. WTF?
I blame this on the "it's a phone, it's a camera, IT DOES EVERYTHING mentality".
Seriously, don't folks ever stop to think "if I was BUYING this car, what kind of pix would make me instantly reach for my wallet?" Tho in their defense, I've taken pix with my digital camera that I didn't check after I took them...and they didn't come out. Then I was stuck as "subject" (in this case a landscape) was no longer available.
Those first two look like scenes from "Cops".
atleast this isnt the picture of a polished tea kettle and you can see the fat naked person's reflection in it when they took the pic... but those above are crap.
skruffy wrote: Is it really that hard to take a picture of your car during the day?
Maybe he works right through all the daylight hours...
That reminds me, I should take pics of my Sammy at work, I can't leave that crappy cell phone pic in my reader's rides profile forever...
^^unfortunatly, thats the one
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
11/14/08 1:18 p.m.
That reminds me of something I saw a few years ago called "Naked Classifieds". It was essentially made up of naked girlfriends/wives draped over trucks, camaros, etc that were for sale. It was as exactly as awesome as you'd think it would be.
Per Schroeder wrote:
That reminds me of something I saw a few years ago called "Naked Classifieds". It was essentially made up of naked girlfriends/wives draped over trucks, camaros, etc that were for sale. It was as exactly as awesome as you'd think it would be.
now this is getting close to a thread, i think on the old board about a viper with an ugly wing and purple stripes and a half naked she/he/it posing with the car
I know it's there but don't want to find the thread with the yellow Lumina van and the "model" with it from an Ebay ad a few years ago.
It was quite scary.
No, really, don't. Trust me on this.
Don't worry, I am not about to click on that. I have learned that some things cannot be unseen. 
11/14/08 9:49 p.m.
Many of those naked classified ads are doing the seller no favors at all