8/23/14 12:33 p.m.
Has anybody here heard of the 'Mars One' thing? They're trying to make a mars colony in the 2020's, but basically you can't come back. It's not affiliated with a government organization, though the guys in charge also work for the European Space agency. They're funding it with donations (they claim to 'only' need $6 billion) and when stuff happens they're going to generate funds through some kind of reality show, though not reality like desperate housewives, more like "hey, can they get the rover un-stuck" kind of reality.
Let's assume they can pull it off- Would you go? Now assume you are very sure you will not die horribly in transit or landing.
I'd say hell no. If they had some kind of sweet tesla powered rover or perhaps a dirt bike so you could take advantage of low gravity jumps, then maybe, but otherwise i'm staying right here.
they have a bunch of stuff on you tube which looks cool, but i'm still not signing up.
8/23/14 12:50 p.m.
What if Elon Musk sent a rally version of this:

What's the network lag when gaming?
8/23/14 2:49 p.m.
As I sit on my couch, in my air conditioned aparment, eating beef jerky, I contemplate this. I also contemplate things like- shall I continue playing Xbox? What beer shall I consume next? Will my wife come home early enough to get my freak on before I pass out? Will I wake up to steak and eggs tomorrow? Can I sit around and scratch myself al bundy style all day if I feel like it? will I purchase more wheels? I think about these things as I consider the thought of a Mars colony. The thought of being the first citizen on a new planet, the first to get freaky on a new planet (ain't bein the first to a kid on a new planet, that ship has sailed) and realize.... still ain't gonna do it, cause I like all the other questions better.
8/23/14 3:28 p.m.
Rufledt wrote:
Has anybody here heard of the 'Mars One' thing? They're trying to make a mars colony in the 2020's, but basically you can't come back. It's not affiliated with a government organization, though the guys in charge also work for the European Space agency. They're funding it with donations (they claim to 'only' need $6 billion) and when stuff happens they're going to generate funds through some kind of reality show, though not reality like desperate housewives, more like "hey, can they get the rover un-stuck" kind of reality.
Let's assume they can pull it off- Would you go? Now assume you are very sure you will not die horribly in transit or landing.
I'd say hell no. If they had some kind of sweet tesla powered rover or perhaps a dirt bike so you could take advantage of low gravity jumps, then maybe, but otherwise i'm staying right here.
they have a bunch of stuff on you tube which looks cool, but i'm still not signing up.
nope … no racing … besides I'd be 71 in 2020 … a bit old for this sort of foolishness 
Has mankind come close to living in harmony with each other and THIS planet? In general, not even close. IMO, it's way too soon to go to another planet. I'll risk coming off like a wacko to some by just saying I doubt it will be allowed.
8/23/14 4:11 p.m.
so we're all agreed? everybody is a no? I'd go to see a sweet city and a hotel/casino (of course with awesome buffet) but until then i'm staying put.
8/23/14 4:20 p.m.
Random thought spurred by Futurama: if we do colonize mars, and someone yells "Don't you realize what kind of damage you're doing to the planet?" at you for your dino-fuel guzzling cars, you can say "So what? it's not like it's the only one we've got"
Only if Mars has hookers and blow.

Ian F
8/23/14 5:43 p.m.
Maybe... as much as I love my cars and bicycles, the potential of literally making history being among the first to colonize another planet has quite a draw. As long as I can take a few guitars and such with me, I can live without the cars and bikes (to be frank - I've had similar thoughts should something cost me my eyesight - how would I deal with it?). The downside - I'll be 50 in 2020, so I might be considered too old.
So put me down as a "maybe". More so if at some point I meet an adventurous woman with similar thoughts.
Plus, technology has a way of changing in ways we don't expect. While it would have to be assumed to be a one-way trip, there's no guarantee a return trip wouldn't be possible in another 20 years.
Probably too old as well but show me the 71 virgins and I'm in
For many years, I've had a standing, random question, that I occasionally ask people, as an exercise to spawn adventurous thinking: "If you could do anything, what would you do?"
I've heard answers like "Climb Mt Everest," "Skydive," "Win the Indy/Daytona/Le Mans/etc." "Cure cancer."
My answer has always been "Walk on the Moon or Mars."
So, yes, I would go. In a heartbeat. 
Hell no. I'd go to Canada though.
I'll be 36. If I can get my wife in on it I would.
As far as bikes go, space suit+low G+Surly Moonlander(
)+Mars. Or if a large enough colony building ride around inside like a vw plant.
Ian F wrote:
Maybe... as much as I love my cars and bicycles, the potential of literally making history being among the first to colonize another planet has quite a draw. As long as I can take a few guitars and such with me, I can live without the cars and bikes (to be frank - I've had similar thoughts should something cost me my eyesight - how would I deal with it?). The downside - I'll be 50 in 2020, so I might be considered too old.
So put me down as a "maybe". More so if at some point I meet an adventurous woman with similar thoughts.
Plus, technology has a way of changing in ways we don't expect. While it would have to be assumed to be a one-way trip, there's no guarantee a return trip wouldn't be possible in another 20 years.
Basically this. If I was 30 years old and single, I'd consider it. Now that I have a serious girlfriend, I'll just keep racing rally cars 
Swank Force One wrote:
Hell no. I'd go to Canada though.
Might as well be a different planet for you yanks :p
If I did not have a family I would seriously think about it. It would truly be one of those great adventures that make history. You would have a chance to shape a whole new world.
Swank Force One wrote:
Hell no. I'd go to Canada though.
me too... R33'S... R33's everywhere lol. Except, with the buzz lightyear thing behind it. Probably funnier with the picture I guess.
8/23/14 8:01 p.m.
A couple details that would probably stop some of you: mars one accepts no couples. Each missions will be 4 people, 2 men, 2 women, each from a different continent. No couples allowed, not even if they are from different continents. However, they have no upper cap on age. The guy made the valid point that some 65 year olds are running marathons, while some 40 year olds can't get off their chairs without a heart attack.
But that's mars one, the thing that I doubt will ever work. The SpaceX goal is eventually half a million bucks per ticket and anybody can go. He's figuring many people could theoretically work toward that should they want to transplant to mars, especially since they'd sell their houses first, cash in investments, and so on since you literally can't take it with you. If you eventually want to come back, the return trip is free because Musk wants the space ship back anyway.
I'm betting the spacex version will work better, since they don't plan on it happening soon (just a very long term goal), nor do they need $6 billion in donations. Also, they actually have space ships right now. That seems to be a big help, even if they don't have anything to get farther than orbit at the moment. That's just the plane ticket to get there, though, spacex doesn't have any stuff about building the settlement or anything.
Also, unlike some of you geezers, i'm still under 30
Plenty of time for the technology to advance, then funding to be cut and everything stalls for a few decades until I get old.
8/23/14 8:05 p.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
Probably too old as well but show me the 71 virgins and I'm in
Does this count?
Not I but I could/would send a bunch of others in my place.... 
As bad as I expect it will get here, NO WAY!