12/8/13 3:06 p.m.
So, about two weeks ago I start coughing pretty bad. I figure I'll just eat another serving or two of veggies, drink an extra glass of orange juice a day, and get some more rest and I'll be fine. Nope. I start coughing fire and the doc says it's pneumonia. I have a big project at work that's due so I can't totally rest so I'm doing some work from home. I get the project done and take a day or two to get my strength up so I can get to work because there's the kick-off of another project waiting for me. So, Thursday I figure I can go in for at least 1/2 of a day. I'm not sick per se, just can't breath well. I figure I'll make an appearance and grab materials so I can do some work at home. Thursday morning I'm all dressed and ready for work, heading out the door and start one of my coughing fits. I had a few earlier in the week that made me pass out for a very short time. Well, this coughing fit threw my back out! Yup, laid out on the floor unable to get up or do anything. The pain was like nothing I've experienced before. I get myself to the doc later that day
Doc: "You were just here yesterday, but you could walk"
She gives me some anti-inflammatory pills and some vicotin. It's Sunday now, I ventured out of the house for the first time since the Doc's on Thursday and am planning on going to work tomorrow.
Man, what a horrible time. One of the drugs the doc gave me for pneumonia was to break up what was in my lungs. But the insane pain in my back wouldn't allow me to cough (or any other bodily functions...) 'till late last night.
The weirdest thing? In a Vicotin-induced dream I turned our minivan into a 'ute. Aussie would be proud.
12/8/13 3:18 p.m.
Check the driveway and make sure it was really a dream. Vikes can make you do some pretty crazy things :)
Well I hope you feel better. The pneumonia is not something to screw around with, it almost killed my wife a few years back.
"Vicodin." Synthetic morphine with tylenol. And you need to cough that E36 M3 out. Uh... Get Well Soon.
Don't berkeley with pneumonia. You can always get another job if they fire you, or if you go broke. A new life is much harder to come by.
Wuss. You call this an excuse to not work on the Poor-sha?
Man, pneumonia is rough. Hope you're feeling better real soon!
Don't mess around with pneumonia! Stay home and rest. Seriously, people die from not taking pneumonia seriously, ask me how I know.
And what have we learned? if you're sick, stay the berkeley home until you are better.
Why do people insist on trying to work through being sick? The world will not end if you're not there and if it does?
I ended up with scaring of my heart due to pneumonia. It took two weeks before i could walk up stairs. It took me 2 years to fully recover and to this day i have to be carful in the cold. Serious stuff. Also you will be suseptable to relapses for a year or so after you "get well". Dont mess arouund. Get mended. Work can wait.
This just killed a friend of mine this summer. His problem was it was summer. Who gets it in the summer. He waited to long to get treatment.
12/8/13 6:37 p.m.
The pneumonia is gone now. I'm just coughing up stuff. My back is mostly ok, just sore as heck from it all.
This isn't my first bout with pneumonia, I doubt it'll be my last either. Heck, it was an annual party for 5 or 6 years a few years ago. Woo-Hoo!
Glad to hear you're doing better.
On my first date with my wife, I gave her walking pneumonia. Man, was she thankful...
SWMBO had pneumonia a bunch of years ago. She says its like nothing else...you feel fine, and also like you might die, at the same time. Hope you get better soon! Here's to a speedy recovery!
12/8/13 7:10 p.m.
turboswede wrote:
And what have we learned? if you're sick, stay the berkeley home until you are better.
Why do people insist on trying to work through being sick? The world will not end if you're not there and if it does?
because you end up getting "gigged" by HR … regardless of how sick you are … even up to and including being in the hospital ….
where I worked, you earned sick days … but if you had the audacity to use them, you could find yourself out on the street … this of course was to encourage the use of vac. days instead of sick days … which, of course, meant you had fewer vac. days for later in the yr 
12/8/13 7:15 p.m.
OMG, Vicodin. They gave me that when I had pneumonia - holy hell, the nightmares were so bad I got better just so I didn't have to experience them anymore. 
12/8/13 7:39 p.m.
I saw an old Aerostar that was turned into a ute just the other day. It turned into a side street a couple handfuls of blocks from my house. I need to see it up close sometime.
12/8/13 7:42 p.m.
dean1484 wrote:
I ended up with scaring of my heart due to pneumonia. It took two weeks before i could walk up stairs. It took me 2 years to fully recover and to this day i have to be carful in the cold. Serious stuff. Also you will be suseptable to relapses for a year or so after you "get well". Dont mess arouund. Get mended. Work can wait.
This just killed a friend of mine this summer. His problem was it was summer. Who gets it in the summer. He waited to long to get treatment.
I got it over the winter myself. It was so bad and my breathing was so berkeleyed, doc thought i'd collapsed a lung.
How about I send this nurse over

Of course she will arrive in style

Oh and

Ian F
12/8/13 8:24 p.m.
Vicodin... got some once for kidney stones... first hit: awesome - pain gone. Felt normal. After that - nothing... no effect whatsoever... ibuprofen was more effective... ended up throwing the rest of the bottle away. And don't get me started on oxycodone... why anyone willingly takes that sh1t is beyond me. Given the choice between oxy side effects and kidney stone pain - I choose the pain.
I've never had pneumonia... but it doesn't sound pleasant... I'm one of those types who'd probably ignore it and end up in the hospital.
12/8/13 8:30 p.m.
Ian F wrote:
Vicodin... got some once for kidney stones... first hit: awesome - pain gone. Felt normal. After that - nothing... no effect whatsoever... ibuprofen was more effective... ended up throwing the rest of the bottle away. And don't get me started on oxycodone... why anyone willingly takes that sh1t is beyond me. Given the choice between oxy side effects and kidney stone pain - I choose the pain.
I've never had pneumonia... but it doesn't sound pleasant... I'm one of those types who'd probably ignore it and end up in the hospital.
^this except oxy is the same for me. It takes care of the pain but I dont see what the allure to either of them is beyond that. I've had prescriptions for both in the past year, wife likes em when she has a migrane.
that's rough Boost.. take it easy and concentrate on you.. the other projects can wait
wbjones wrote:
turboswede wrote:
And what have we learned? if you're sick, stay the berkeley home until you are better.
Why do people insist on trying to work through being sick? The world will not end if you're not there and if it does?
because you end up getting "gigged" by HR … regardless of how sick you are … even up to and including being in the hospital ….
where I worked, you earned sick days … but if you had the audacity to use them, you could find yourself out on the street … this of course was to encourage the use of vac. days instead of sick days … which, of course, meant you had fewer vac. days for later in the yr
That's where knowing the labor laws in your state is important because that is BS and many HR people are dumped there because they've failed everywhere else. Use their ignorance against them, but please don't make your coworkers sick because you're afraid of getting fired.
turboswede wrote:
wbjones wrote:
turboswede wrote:
And what have we learned? if you're sick, stay the berkeley home until you are better.
Why do people insist on trying to work through being sick? The world will not end if you're not there and if it does?
because you end up getting "gigged" by HR … regardless of how sick you are … even up to and including being in the hospital ….
where I worked, you earned sick days … but if you had the audacity to use them, you could find yourself out on the street … this of course was to encourage the use of vac. days instead of sick days … which, of course, meant you had fewer vac. days for later in the yr
That's where knowing the labor laws in your state is important because that is BS and many HR people are dumped there because they've failed everywhere else. Use their ignorance against them, but please don't make your coworkers sick because you're afraid of getting fired.
We won't get fired but we may not get paid. If I take a sick day I have to get a form filled out by my doc, then a company quack reviews it. If they don't feel it is valid they don't pay out. Using a vacation day isn't an option as I need to request them 30 days in advance. I go to work as long as I can get out of bed.
Ian F
12/8/13 9:27 p.m.
In reply to Wally:
Great... so a dreary and drugged up bus driver is considered a good thing...