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carguy123 SuperDork
8/20/11 10:14 a.m.

Am I the only one that doesn't see a problem anywhere in this whole issue except for the do gooders?

novaderrik Dork
8/20/11 3:01 p.m.
carguy123 wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't see a problem anywhere in this whole issue except for the do gooders?

no, you are not.

stuart in mn
stuart in mn SuperDork
8/20/11 3:17 p.m.
novaderrik wrote:
carguy123 wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't see a problem anywhere in this whole issue except for the do gooders?
no, you are not.

So, you guys wouldn't care if the babysitter took your 8 month old child for a ride in the back of a pickup truck?

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/20/11 7:27 p.m.

I can't believe you can watch that video of the police pulling the truck over and see nothing wrong with that?

SVreX SuperDork
8/20/11 9:27 p.m.


Looks to me like the do-gooders got it right for once.

Are you guys nuts that you think there is anything right about that?

fasted58 Dork
8/20/11 9:51 p.m.

I always said children should come w/ a User Manual

oldsaw SuperDork
8/20/11 10:23 p.m.
fasted58 wrote: I always said children should come w/ a User Manual

That presumes the handlers can actually, you know, READ.

novaderrik Dork
8/21/11 12:28 a.m.
mad_machine wrote: I can't believe you can watch that video of the police pulling the truck over and see nothing wrong with that?

you're right- there was something wrong with that video. the cop shouldn't hassle people over something so silly.

Salanis SuperDork
8/21/11 1:03 a.m.
novaderrik wrote:
mad_machine wrote: I can't believe you can watch that video of the police pulling the truck over and see nothing wrong with that?
you're right- there was something wrong with that video. the cop shouldn't hassle people over something so silly.

Endangering someone else's child?

novaderrik Dork
8/21/11 4:27 a.m.
Salanis wrote:
novaderrik wrote:
mad_machine wrote: I can't believe you can watch that video of the police pulling the truck over and see nothing wrong with that?
you're right- there was something wrong with that video. the cop shouldn't hassle people over something so silly.
Endangering someone else's child?

where was the danger?

carguy123 SuperDork
8/21/11 4:48 a.m.

Novaderrik don't mess with them. You know all kids should come equipped with a bubble that they can't get out and experience the fun of the world until they are 21.

SVreX SuperDork
8/21/11 7:31 a.m.

You guys seem to be missing the difference between endangerment and harm.

I'm also betting that you have no kids.

It's idiotic to suggest there is no danger. No one was harmed, thanks to the appropriate intervention of the officer. But there was most certainly imminent danger.

Or are you intentionally trying to get people riled up?

patgizz GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/21/11 9:47 a.m.

i think ohio's law is 16 or over OK as long as under xx mph, and not on the highway.

i was behind a dumptruck with a bed full of brush on the highway going 60 one 35 degree late fall day. something looked amiss, and as i got closer i noticed the very scared face of a mexican landscaping worker laying atop the pile. in the cab there were 3 more, so he must have drawn the short straw.

novaderrik Dork
8/21/11 3:52 p.m.
SVreX wrote: You guys seem to be missing the difference between endangerment and harm. I'm also betting that you have no kids. It's idiotic to suggest there is no danger. No one was harmed, thanks to the appropriate intervention of the officer. But there was most certainly imminent danger. Or are you intentionally trying to get people riled up?

you are "endangering" your child every time you leave the house with them. hell, there's plenty of stuff in every house that can easily hurt or kill a kid at any moment.

i honestly see nothing wrong with a kid in a stroller going on a low speed drive on smooth roads in the back of a truck. hit a bumpy field road at higher speeds and i might start to object, tho.. when i was a kid, the preferred place to ride with my grandpa was in the back of his old green Chevy. this started at a very young age- one of my first memories is of riding down the highway at normal highway speed in the back of the truck with my dad sitting next to me when i was maybe 3 years old. i remember sitting on the spare tire up against the back window of the cab trying to keep my hair out of my face...

and no, i've got no kids- but i've got 6 nieces and nephews that mean the world to me, and every one of them has been riding in and even steering my cars since they were less than a year old. they also love riding around on the 4 wheeler at my mom's house.

maybe i just grew up in a different time, but people worry about "the children" waaay too much these days.

this oughta really rile a few people up- my brother has 4 year old and 2 year old daughters. they have some of the steepest and most dangerous stairs ive ever seen in their house.. they've got no gates or anything in front of the steps, and neither of the girls has ever thought it would be fun to push the other one down the steps and neither of them has ever fallen down on their own. they've both been going up and down those steps like they are nothing since before they could walk. they also don't even own helmets for their bikes, which they ride on public streets in town. they wipe out, cry a little, realize they aren't getting any sympathy if they aren't hurt really bad, then get back on their bike and continue on.

SVreX SuperDork
8/21/11 4:05 p.m.

Sorry man. I love you, but you are waaay off on this one.

An 8 month old could die from falling off the sofa. Their skull isn't even fully developed.

I've seen strollers tip over on flat ground.

My kids do all kinds of dangerous stuff that other parents might find offensive. MY KIDS. MUCH older than 8 months.

If a baby sitter tried to do that to my kid, she'd be lucky if the only thing I did was press charges.

Adult in charge. Unauthorized. Illegal. And VERY dangerous.

Throw the book at her.

fasted58 Dork
8/21/11 4:19 p.m.

Cargo area laws per state:


Child restraint and seat belt laws may supersede cargo area laws.


purplepeopleeater Reader
8/21/11 5:06 p.m.

The adult son of a good friend was driving his Toyota P.U. around the fields with some friends in the back. /one got thrown from the truck & was killed. Friend's son went to jail for manslaughter. Yes, I've ridden in the back of pickups & dump trucks but the fact that we did it & survived doesn't make it safe or smart.

aussiesmg SuperDork
8/21/11 7:40 p.m.

8 months old guys.... 8 months.

This is a tiny human who is still dependent upon his caregivers, no choice, no ability to hang on.

How can you think this is OK. I am all for freedom to scrape knees and even break an arm in the adventures of growing up, but this child has no option or ability to protect himself.

In addition it is against the parents wishes, so the babysitter is also going beyond her duties.

I wonder who you would have blamed if a child ran in front of the truck and forced the driver into a situation of severe braking throwing the 8 month old from the vehicle or hitting the child.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/21/11 7:40 p.m.
novaderrik wrote: i honestly see nothing wrong with a kid in a stroller going on a low speed drive on smooth roads in the back of a truck. hit a bumpy field road at higher speeds and i might start to object,

Well.. Here is the thing. Twenty or thirty years ago,(when most of us were younger) there was less traffic and dare I say it.. better drivers. The stuff on the road today makes it near impossible to have a low speed drive on a smooth road. Not only are the roads in bad need of repair (due to broke states and municipalities) but the number of people on the road at any given time has just grown to unthinkable numbers.. and a vast number of them are just glorified passengers, not actual drivers.

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
8/21/11 7:42 p.m.

For the record, this child was carried several miles over congested 4- and 6-lane, 45 -50 mph roads. The mother burst into tears when she got there and heard how/why they had been stopped.

I grew up without child seats, playing with mercury, running the streets until dark, etc. It was fabulous. But this was not some agrarian dream being played out by rugged individualists, this was losers too lazy to take the kid OUT of the stroller and put it INTO the vehicle.

I understand some of you want to be all cool and contrarian with your nbd claims, but it comes off a lot like a high-schooler's forced cynicism.


aussiesmg SuperDork
8/21/11 7:44 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: this was losers too lazy to take the kid OUT of the stroller and put it INTO the vehicle.

reproduced for the pure truth and honesty of the statement

KATYB HalfDork
8/22/11 5:46 a.m.

OMG!!!!! this horrifies me! if anyone ever did something like this with my kids wow... id kill em. that is stupidity and retardness and a lack of thinking all wrapped into one. i honestly cant believe this. I have an 8 month old son and ummmm ya he can barely crawl. so how you gonna put his stroller on wheels in the bed of a truck?!?!?!?! this is why my partner and i wont hire a babysitter.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/22/11 7:25 a.m.

good, honest, and trustworthy babysitters are worth their weight in gold... which is why they are so rare

integraguy SuperDork
8/22/11 11:14 a.m.

Tennessee does NOT have a law that says you can't have passengers in the back of a pickup truck....but the city of Memphis DOES, and it's rarely (from what I've ever seen) enforced. Of course, this is the same city where it isn't at all that unusual to see infants and even small children transported in the front of cars and trucks WITHOUT child seats, but instead, sitting on grandma's lap(hopefully, grandma's belted in).

ANY babysitter that transports a kid of mine (not married, no kids, so it's moot) and certainly a baby in this manner loses her job and gets a lot of bad word-of-mouth from me. Sorry, that's me.

Ironically, just last night I was watching the movie "Lake City". In it, Sissy Spacek runs over one of her own children who unbeknownst to her falls out of the back of a pickup truck she was driving.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/22/11 11:45 a.m.

Good to know that Florida citizens did not allow that to go unnoticed. +1 for apathy not taking over completely!

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