MG Bryan wrote:
Taiden wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Anti-stance wrote:
Ill give you the box flares but I am talking about this kinda crap.
And those two words "import" and "tuner" have such a negative connotation to me these days.
Oh man.... that poor MX6.
This is how that should be done.
They both look like E36 M3.
So why is anyone bitching? We all like different things. Who cares? I think tricycles with hella tuck poke reacharound bumfart camber are awesome. Shoot me.
People who think it looks like E36 M3 have every right to say so; just like people have every right to buy into these trends in the first place.
I think skinny tires on super wide wheels look like hell. I cars that are so low that the fender covers most of the tire look really dumb. No one ought to get bent out of shape about it either way, but there's no reason the dissenting opinions should be quashed.
Agreed. Just because I think it looks like E36 M3 doesn't mean I can't say it looks like E36 M3.
Like I said above... I don't care if someone spends their money on ridiculous stuff, I just think its silly. I reserve the right to stick my finger out, point and laugh my ass off at the person. As the person involved in such car trends reserves the right to think they look cool and think that people are in awe of the stupid trend.
How about Swangas, Slabs, and trunk poppin?
Swangas and slabs
Swangas and slabs 2

Sometimes, I am embarrassed to be from Houston. 
funny enough, the orange does not look bad on those buicks.. but really, TWO fake spare tyres?
The more faked chrome spoked rims you buy the cheaper it gets.
Meh, it's not for me, but every few ears a new trend hits, with the internet it just gets to more minions to follow
3/1/12 8:07 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
How about Swangas, Slabs, and trunk poppin?
Swangas and slabs
Swangas and slabs 2
Wasn't Pall Wall rapping about these like 10 years ago???
I love how foreign the lingo is to straight-laced news reporters. Every trend is so foreign to them.
"They're called swanGERS"
"It's called sexting"
"It's called planking"
3/1/12 8:24 p.m.
this is something ive never heard an explanation for...

i see them in knoxville? why in the world? i just dont get it...

paid to roll advertising?
3/1/12 8:31 p.m.
jhass, I feel the same way about every monster themed dirt bike I see on craigslist
In reply to aussiesmg:
Yeah, I doubt Kellogs is paying those two fine upstanding citizens to represent their company. 
gamby wrote:
Anti-stance wrote:
How about Swangas, Slabs, and trunk poppin?
Swangas and slabs
Swangas and slabs 2
Wasn't Pall Wall rapping about these like 10 years ago???
It goes bak to the 90's but it has been an evolving culture especially with the trunk crap.
Anti-stance wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
Lets highlight the things I find kinda cool if done well.
Anti-stance wrote:
I honestly don't know what could come next.
Lets go over the weird E36 M3 we have seen in the car culture:
-Low rider/hydraulics
-Body kits *Box flares*
-Under car neons *If they are hidden*
-Super bass car stereos
-Fart cannon exhaust
-Lambo doors on EVERYTHING
-Stance/hella flush/made-tyte poke/roof-rack/rusty hood cars
-Burnout tires that smoke colors *Its creative*
-Truck nuts *When they smack speed bumps they make me giggle.*
What the hell is coming next?
Bacon flavored exhaust? *Thad be pretty sweet*
We, Sir, are on TWOO different *wavelengths.*
Ill give you the box flares but I am talking about this kinda crap.
And those two words "import" and "tuner" have such a negative connotation to me these days.
Did you have to pick an MX?
In reply to ThePhranc:
Honestly, I put unpainted body kit in a google search and it was the closest pic I saw quickly to make my point. I swear it wasn't a bias against the car. 
New Reader
3/1/12 9:26 p.m.
Remember when 19" and 20" wheels were outrageous? Now you can't sell a car/truck/SUV unless it has a 20"-22" wheel option from the factory. Who cares if they're only 6" or 8" wide...
The glowing rims not make anyone wish for a TRON lightcycle?
Appleseed wrote:
The glowing rims not make anyone wish for a TRON lightcycle?
Yea, those rims on the hand polished Delorean that posted here a few months ago would be legitimately cool.
Arent louvers a mandatory option on 2x0 Z cars?

And while the lit up rims are not my cup-o-tea I wonder how they are powered?
MG Bryan wrote:
I cars that are so low that the fender covers most of the tire look really dumb.
Including '50s and '60s cars that the fender covered much of the tire, stock? I grew up on that stuff and on '50s customs, so it doesn't look out of place, to me. Like on my own Falcon:

The problem isn't that people don't like trends, it's that they feel that it's absolutely imperative that they show their displeasure by being insulting instead of just letting others enjoy cars in their own way. That's when it crosses the line from merely liking different things to being closed minded and rude.
Anti-stance wrote:
I reserve the right to stick my finger out, point and laugh my ass off at the person.
Why reserve the right to be rude and insulting? Why is that so important to you? It's not the mark of a mature adult, nor of a real car guy. It's not about liking or not liking something. It's about how you act when you like or dislike something. And it's not about being PC. It's about tact and common courtesy. Which WAY too many people these days are lacking.
It's good to like different things. It's bad to be insulting and rude about what you don't like in order to justify liking what you do like.
Chris_V wrote:
MG Bryan wrote:
I cars that are so low that the fender covers most of the tire look really dumb.
Including '50s and '60s cars that the fender covered much of the tire, stock? I grew up on that stuff and on '50s customs, so it doesn't look out of place, to me. Like on my own Falcon:
The problem isn't that people don't like trends, it's that they feel that it's absolutely imperative that they show their displeasure by being insulting instead of just letting others enjoy cars in their own way. That's when it crosses the line from merely liking different things to being closed minded and rude.
You caught me out on that one.
Put it this way, I don't think there can actually be hard and fast rules regarding aesthetics. Speaking in gross generalizations, it tends to look poor. However, If the fenders are designed to be somewhat low, it works. I'm guilty of "tucking" on an MGB.
3/2/12 9:20 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
The glowing rims not make anyone wish for a TRON lightcycle?
Right here. I love the tron look. I'm at work now, so I can't really dig, but there's vids out there of Japanese dudes and TRON'ning the living HELL out of some lambos. Lights in places I didn't know were possible. Paint so fulla flake you'd swear they'd glued rhinestones on it. And they might have. As gaudy as it is- I kinda like it.
3/2/12 9:25 a.m.
jhaas wrote:
this is something ive never heard an explanation for...
i see them in knoxville? why in the world? i just dont get it...
I'm starting to like donks. They're so absurd you just can't take them seriously, and anything that gives me a laugh or a grin is okay in my book. They're the automotive world's equivalent of Sir Mix-a-lot.
Besides, American sedans of that era aren't good for much else anyway.
3/2/12 9:27 a.m.
Donks hold one thing for me. If done right, the paint work is INCREDIBLE. Like colors and candys and fades and things you will not see anywhere else. I'm a sucker for good paint work.