I really need to get another high powered rifle at some point.
I have a WW1 mauser, but finding 8mm mauser ammo is a PITA, plus its almost 100 years old so I doubt its the most accurate thing.
I have been thinking about buying a .308/7.62 or a 30-06 for long range paper punching and possibly doing some hunting. I almost bought a RRA LAR-8, but decided that I could get the job done better/cheaper with a bolt gun.
in a SHTF scenario I would want...

Barrett Model 99.. $4k worth of rifle, but talk about exclusion zone capability.
In reply to joey48442:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC the screen shot is from Face-off.
Apexcarver, A Mauser 98 would be an excellent choice for WTSHTF. There is no shortage of ammo for those. Not a big selection at wally world, but you can still get pretty reasonalbe mil surp stuff. I've posted some links to it before. http://www.jgsales.com/index.php/ammo-for-rifles/8mm-mauser/cPath/12_45?osCsid=ef2422dd1f37d7899d03b2c64e0043b0 is one. If it's corrosive, like almost all of it is, you have to clean your rifle really well with soapy water, oil it, then clean it again the next day.
If I was looking for a bolt action 308 today, I think I'd get a savage at wally world. They'll shoot MOA or better out of the box and are pretty cheap.
I see that JG has 223 ammo at 38 cents/pop. Wally world is still real low, but did have a few boxes of loose 22 at about $1.50/box of 50 last I was there. Maybe the ammo crisis is lifting?
9/13/09 6:43 p.m.
924guy wrote:
griffin729 wrote:
In reply to joey48442:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC the screen shot is from Face-off.
The Nick Cage pic, not the Mustang.
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
I've got a mid '80s neck-through-body Kramer that would definitely knock some bodies block off. A true axe.
Ditto my late 70s Ibanez artist series solidbody. That thing is a real slab.
akamcfly wrote:
There is so much goodness in that photo that I don't know were to begin.

Yes. That is my grandmother. Yes, she is holding an assault rifle. It is, quite literally, the most badass picture I have.
Me personally? Out of what I currently have,
I would take my Beretta Cougar .45 ACP with extended clips and modified hollow points. Unbeatable knock down power, crappy range and accuracy, but if I'm yanking a sidearm, its long past accuracy time. If you've ever seen what one of those does to a human head at close range, you'd want one too when the SHTF.
For mid-range, I'd take my 8mm Mauser, although it doesn't have an easy provision for a scope. Fortunately the military sights are pretty darn accurate.
For longer range, I have a .308 semi auto with a killer Leupold 3-9x that is crystal clear. My .243 Rem 760 would be another good one depending on the projectile size I can readily find.
As back up I have a model 94 .32 for that old west feel and a multi-choke 1100 12-guage. As handgun backup I have a stainless .44 with a 7.5" barrel and a couple 9mm and .38s I can stash in my privates.
Dr. Hess wrote:
I see that JG has 223 ammo at 38 cents/pop. Wally world is still real low, but did have a few boxes of loose 22 at about $1.50/box of 50 last I was there. Maybe the ammo crisis is lifting?
At least 12 ga. has been plentifull the entire time.
My son just gave me a box of .45 ACP for no particular reason. I must have raised him right! It's hardball, but good hardball, and with reloadable cases.
It's not perfect, but I do like my Garand as a battle rifle. It, and a bandolier of '06, and I'm good for the Infantryman's Quarter Mile and then some.
What about those hollow points with the guide pin inside the cavity and the spiral-cut brass casing that turns into a saw blade when it hits you? Ever seen that stuff? Woah! That stuff was designed with one task in mind: kill your opponent quickly. The guide pin helps keep the bullet on track once it hits your opponent so that it doesn't just do the .223 tumble and go off track. You hit somebody with a .50 round and you'll leave a pretty disgusting one-inch-diameter hole in the back of their chest or head.
New Reader
9/17/09 9:21 a.m.
Garand, Glock 45, Rem. 1100 12ga. + friends & family with more. And big smart dogs 
I'm of the opinion that Xceler8x is actually Nancy Pelosi. Therefore, what's in my house is none of your goddamned business.
If you ARE Nancy Pelosi, please feel free to visit any time, and I'll give you the one-on-one tour.
No, seriously. I can't imagine why anyone would openly let the world know which guns they have and how many of them there are. That falls into "posting pictures of my wife and kids" territory. Weirdos.
A Browning Hi Power, lots of hollow points and a good map to the nearest National Guard or Reserve Armory. All of the M-16s, M249s, M2s and maybe a few m-60s you could want. You also never know what else you will find in there. My unit shared our arms room with a SF unit, one drill weekend we found a stack of 10 Barrett light 50s bran new. Good stuff.
As an added bonus you will likely be only a bolt cutter away from at least a HUMVEE and probably something bigger.
My old pump action shotgun, thank you very much. Good range, decent accuracy, easily reloadable ammo, works as a club and battering ram, tremendously reliable.
Let's just say I have some. At least one of them will reach out and touch something far away.
Even have real old school, as in pour in the powder first then ram in the round ball.
9/17/09 7:14 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
I'm of the opinion that Xceler8x is actually Nancy Pelosi. Therefore, what's in my house is none of your goddamned business.
If you ARE Nancy Pelosi, please feel free to visit any time, and I'll give you the one-on-one tour.
No, seriously. I can't imagine why anyone would openly let the world know which guns they have and how many of them there are. That falls into "posting pictures of my wife and kids" territory. Weirdos.
Are you an arfcommer by chance?
.30-06 ammo, at least the right stuff that won't damage a Garand, is a buck a bullet. That's big money.
New Reader
9/17/09 8:24 p.m.
Full size Glock .45, AK47 variant, short barreled 12 gauge pump and a early-mid 70s Blazer or Suburban 4x4.
I figure the Chevy w/350 will be the easiest to scrounge parts for in the zombie-infested world. 4x4 gives me extended travel capabilities and the enclosed body can act as temporary shelter once the windows have bars or plate welded in.
I'd want automatic too. I figure shifting gears while firing through gun slits would be a handful.
Of course, the weapon and vehicle choices are malleable depending on availability and circumstances.
poopshovel wrote:
I'm of the opinion that Xceler8x is actually Nancy Pelosi. Therefore, what's in my house is none of your goddamned business.
If you ARE Nancy Pelosi, please feel free to visit any time, and I'll give you the one-on-one tour.
No, seriously. I can't imagine why anyone would openly let the world know which guns they have and how many of them there are. That falls into "posting pictures of my wife and kids" territory. Weirdos.
Nancy Pelosi? Hell, I wouldn't mind being a part of the Royal family known as Congress. I'd have my own bank, be immune from most laws, health care paid for with next to no limits, and my arse kissed hourly.
I'm just a left leaning libertarian per the last online quiz I took about political ideas.
I'm southern so guns and fun go hand in hand. I don't care what you guys own. I was just shopping and wanted some suggestions.
I agree with the majority, as far as AK, but I'll go one better. I have my Valmet M76 in .223 modded with a folding stock, so I get better long range acuracy with the reliabity of the AK. The added bonus is that Valmets are the Porsche of AK's much closer tolerances with better sights.
I also have an SKS and a AK in 7.62x39 so that base is also covered. I have a couple of mossberg 500's so I would probably remove the stock on one and mount it under the Valmet ala M203 to cover all the bases.
For the zombies with the forsight to be wearing body armor, I'll use my CZ-52 loaded with steel pentrator PPsh41 ammo. Not only is this the most accurate hand gun I've ever shot, but even normal ammo for it will defeat a ballistic vest the penetrator stuff is for just in case.
Chris Rummel
Ian F
9/18/09 12:15 p.m.
Shotgun, FTW.
No, not as glamorous as an assault rifle, but less aiming issues in close quarters.
Plus - I actually have ammo for it... Don't have any for my AK... someday I'll get around to buying some... and maybe shooting the damn thing (since I've owned it for 16 years...) 
In a WTSHTF situation, I'd probably go with three: the AK, the shotgun and my compound bow for when slightly more stealth is in order...