Indy-Guy said:
Proof is surfacing that the Chinese government Knew of the virus and ordered a cover up to suppress information and delay effectiveness of a containment.
That's not surprising at all; heck, im more surprised it took this long to be found out.
Dr. Hess said:
People would drink bleach? Man. Well, there's Goop, right?
Early on in this thread, there were several posts calling anyone who suggested such a thing a fringe conspiracy theory nut job troll.
Those posters should now be eating crow.
The bug got out of the Wuhan level four lab. Why would the government be covering it up if it didn't. That B.S. about the food market was part of the cover up. I'm not saying it was engineered as a weapon, it was probably just an accidental escape.
That article doesn't indicate anything about it escaping the lab. I'm not saying it wasn't from the lab, but this isn't evidence that it was. In a "shoot the messenger" culture that China has, I could easily believe officials at multiple levels were just hoping it would blow over, so didn't want to inform the public, and tried to keep a lid on it. Early on, they likely had no idea it would be as serious as it was. Remember, this is the country that reported tons of farming surpluses right before having a massive famine that killed off a significant chunk of the population. No one wants to get negative attention from those above them, or be made to look less competent than their peers.
Indeed. A coverup doesn't mean they were responsible for it, it just means that they want to cover it up.
Given the effect it is having on their economy, I can sort of see why they'd want to do that.
In reply to Indy-Guy :
Nope. No crow here.
there's no coverup in the us going on right now either. No silencing of tenured cdc officials. No installation of anti science people running the show. Nope no coverup here.
you sound as silly as the this party wants millions to die people.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine :
To be honest the Nazi party did want that but I digress.
In reply to Indy-Guy :
Please. COVID-19 has less than a 20% transmission rate on that cruise ship that was quarantined- over 300 people sharing a ventilation system and only 18 got sick. One guy in UNMC in Nebraska doesn't even have symptoms- he just got tested because he heard about it, and he's now just chilling up in a quarantine floor. If that's the best HURRRR GERM WARFARE!!!11!1! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!! you got, bring it on. Knurled explained it perfectly; the affect on the economy is so big, it's no wonder they tried to sweep it under the rug.
Some of you might have noticed, but I work hospital and I work with doctors of all stripes and specialties; one neat discussion we had with an infectious disease doc was that so far, COVID-19 doesn't seem to infect kids, like an inverted Colic/RSV. Here's something from business insider about it. Obviously, it's more of a "huh" thing than anything to base ideas off of- I'm not gonna post more of my doctor's discussions as it's still emerging for obvious reasons, and for respect- but I didn't even realize it until they pointed it out; and here it is!
Also, stocks are on sale!
Also, stocks are on sale!
Yeah, and I think they're going lower as the Mexican Beer Flu invades the land of the free. I think we'll see the dow drop to over 20% off the peak and then I'll start buying.
As far as using the NY Post for information - quoth Wikipedia: The Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch's ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review stated "New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem – a force for evil."[48]" and that's just the first sentence in the criticism section that goes on for a while. I'd fact check anything I read in that rag before taking it as fact.
jwagner said:
Also, stocks are on sale!
Yeah, and I think they're going lower as the Mexican Beer Flu invades the land of the free. I think we'll see the dow drop to over 20% off the peak and then I'll start buying.
As far as using the NY Post for information - quoth Wikipedia: The Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch's ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review stated "New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem – a force for evil."[48]" and that's just the first sentence in the criticism section that goes on for a while. I'd fact check anything I read in that rag before taking it as fact.
We should all fact check everything, multiple sources are required these days with all of the fake, modified, paraphrased "news" with layers of opinion, interpretation and spin.
Edit: in my opinion.
Coronavirus/Covid 19/SARS CoV-2 doesn't scare me at all to be honest - even with a fatality rate 20 times higher than influenza it still almost solely affects the elderly. Someone my age has a 0.3% fatality rate from it. What does worry me is the reactions to it. The stock market has already taken a pretty hefty tumble and it's expected to continue. We've had a couple deaths in this country now and several places declaring states of emergency or public health emergencies and my worry is when people start panic-buying. I've already stocked up a bit on food and TP just in case, but as it spreads I do expect some people to flip out.
Also I wouldn't touch the stock market yet, especially since futures are still down pretty good. I imagine it has a ways to go. And the NY Post definitely needs to be fact checked, although the Chinese government covering something up shouldn't surprise anyone.
infinitenexus said:
I've already stocked up a bit on food and TP just in case, but as it spreads I do expect some people to flip out.
I've not exactly stocked up a ton, as I am not expecting shortages of staples, but I am buying more than I usually do, so I don't have to go out in public with a bunch of strangers as often. I have a really nice grocery store near me, so I usually only buy a a few days to a week in advance, but have decided a two week supply of food, and a bit larger supply of things like TP, shampoo, etc., makes sense.
That's basically what I'm doing. Just getting some extra frozen veggies and packs of TP and the ocassional canned food item for a just in case. Next paycheck I'll pick up extra cat food and litter. Better safe than sorry.
What is with the TP, anyway? Are people literally E36 M3ting themselves with fear and they need to stock up? Or are they planning for the aftereffects of an all French toast diet after they buy up a containerload of bread, milk, and eggs and have to eat it all before it goes off?
I am not terribly concerned. Not because I think it's a nonissue, but because we have decent (if hellaciously expensive) medical care, and are working to find treatment and cures instead of coverups and other media control. At least, that's what I tell myself. Freaking out won't be very productive.
In reply to Knurled. :
In case people panic and suddenly wipe out shelves at supermarkets. American media is really good at hyping things up, and the American public is really good at panicking and overreacting. TP is super cheap at Lidl so I figured that's definitely something safe to stock up a little on. I don't expect society to shut down or anything, I'm literally just preparing so I'm good in case other people flip out and rush supermarkets suddenly.
I get a Post most mornings for my break. It's amusing but it shouldn't be anyone's news source. The Post is like asking someone who overheard someone else talking about a story what's going on. It's main selling point is that it has simple puzzles I can finish while I have lunch.
My "stocking up" of TP was two 6-packs instead of one. Nothing major, just enough to make sure that if I forget about it on an upcoming shopping trip, I should have enough to wait until I got out again for a grocery trip, instead of making a special trip.
We bought enough dry and canned goods that we could pull through a 2 week shutdown relatively easily. Better safe than sorry, and we should probably keep that stuff around for hurricane season anyway. I did buy a 2 week (extra) supply of TP as part of it, because who wants to run out of TP? also grabbed coffee and contact solution in addition to basic foodstuffs. This isn't going to shutdown power or water production though, so stockpiling water or firewood seems a step too far.
Local quarantines have a very effective track record with past outbreaks, back to Spanish Flu. IF (and that's a big if) things get bad,a 2 week lockdown isn't impossible so we bought enough to take that off the "things-to-worry-about" list.
It's hard to decide where to draw a reasonable line between prepared and paranoid. More than anything else I'm preparing against others' paranoia I think. That's a harder risk to gauge than the virus.
infinitenexus said:
In reply to Knurled. :
In case people panic and suddenly wipe out shelves at supermarkets. American media is really good at hyping things up, and the American public is really good at panicking and overreacting. TP is super cheap at Lidl so I figured that's definitely something safe to stock up a little on. I don't expect society to shut down or anything, I'm literally just preparing so I'm good in case other people flip out and rush supermarkets suddenly.
I've noticed the last few years, concerning health/weather, Americans like to be able to say, "Seeeeeeee, I told you so. This is why you should have listened to me and been better prepared." It works better if you read that in Bill Burr's voice.
I saw that also. A HUGE change in air pollution over China. Silver linings, I'll take them.
aircooled said:
Ah yes, a Miata and a 308 Ferrari are both cars... thus they are the same.
You must have fun at an auto parts store. 
You are correct, they are both types of dishonesty, but they are, by definition, different. Having shades of differentiation is very important, especially in conversations and discussions, as the world is not black and white.
Your strawmen are weak, very weak.
You want facts over truth, is that it?
I always buy extra food when what I like is on sale , so I am set on that ,
Earthquake country here and the last 2 big earthquakes the big damage was 30 -40 miles away ,
but there is a big fault about 5 miles from my house that has not shaken since the big 1930s Long Beach quake
In the next few weeks we will be getting 100s if not 1000s of new cases ........which are already here but never tested because there was a big shortage of test kits ,
But the Media will lead the sheep off the cliff in panic .......
Also make sure you have an old mechanical can opener in your earthquake ( or ???) kit
Coronavirus was developed and released by 3m in order to increase sales of dust particulate masks
ChrisLS8 said:
Coronavirus was developed and released by 3m in order to increase sales of dust particulate masks
Charmin and toilet paper.
This is a very interesting read.
And before some Ignorant comment comes in regarding a ZH article, SHOW ME SOMETHING THAT IS WRONG WITH THE ARTICLE, NOT AN IGNORANT OPINION ON THE WEB SIGHT. There. Fixed. Fact check it.
Besides a timeline going back years, it has interesting diagrams on how the virus works. Well worth reading.