My son's birthday is coming up and it's time he had a proper racing game. He has an Xbox 360 and, for that console, it seems that Forza is the way to go. From what I can tell, Forza 4 is the current version, though 5 will be out soon. Is that right? Either way, I'll probably go with 4.
Beyond the game, I'd like to get him wheel, pedal cluster, etc. but am not prepared for an all out racing rig. Based on that, what would you all recommend for a set up?
I'm a video game ignoramus, so feel free to use small words. 
Forza Horizon is the newest one, but you're right, FM4 is the most recent one you want.
(Horizon not being a sim)
I've only played with a regular controller, can't help on peripherals.
If you're sticking with the 360, Forza 4 is the way to go. F5 will only be available on the Xbox One.
Maybe its just me, but I would hold off on the wheel and pedals until he really likes the game.
I know Fanatec is pretty much your best option on the 360 for wheels, but maybe you can find a setup locally for sale that someone else has grown tired of. Sorry I can't be of more help with the wheels, I'm only a controller guy. 
The biggest complaint I hear from most of us that play console games instead of PC sims is that the xBox won't talk to Logitech wheels. Except for Grand Valley Full and Trial Mountain, my Logitech is what I miss the most about playing GT. Like Racer1ab, I've heard good things about Fanatec, but haven't had the chance to try one. I did try an older Microsoft wheel back in Forza 2, but hated it so much I changed back to controller.
One thing I know for certain..whether it's GT or Forza, moving to a wheel will require an almost complete re-tune on the cars. The steering input is just too different.
Thanks guys. I went with F4 and will let him start with the controllers. Racer1ab, you made a good point regarding his interest level!
I've got an old school Xbox wheel and pedal set. Force feedback and all. I'll say it was harder to play Forza with it as once your plug in the wheel and pedal set it removes some assists that are there to help the hand controller guys.
You can buy them all day long on Amazon. $100 for usable but not pristine copies.
Happy to help! I think these are great training tools for youngins who aspire to do the whole HPDE, club racing, auto-x thing!
When I lived with SWMBO and her roommates, their 5-year old daughter got routine lessons when I would play Forza and Shift 2. She was fairly proficient on Forza when we moved out.