We got Taylor on 12/26/2011, when my kids were 10 and 6-1/2. The rescue told us she was 2.

A few weeks ago, she started turning her nose up at her food. After a couple weeks of trying different foods in different combinations, we took her to our Vet where she was diagnosed with diabeetus and kidney issues. She was going downhill fast, so for the last few days we've been hand-feeding her what few bites she would take of salmon and dark meat chicken.

and today we had her euthanized at home. She was a good girl right to the end. RIP, doggo.
Sorry for your loss, that's the worst damn part of pets! Winter just turned two, hope he has a long run like Taylor.

I'm so sorry. Our Ada's about to turn 12 (we think she was one when we got her), and I twitch every time the vet or someone makes references to her being a senior dog.
Good on you for treating her so well right to the end.
3/23/24 3:06 p.m.
Aww sorry man. I love my doggos more than most people I know.
Just before reading this, i was on the ground with my dog licking my face.
sorry about your doggo. You gave her a good life.
This is always the worst part, it just sucks. I'll hug mine extra for ya.
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
Never easy. At home...so much better!
Very sorry to hear it. We had Allie put to sleep at home. We didn't want her last moments to be scared and stressed at the Vet. Good on you.
The worst kind of day. Sorry for your loss AC
3/23/24 6:45 p.m.
My sympathy to your family. Good of you to make sure she went at home. Best of doggos.
Sorry for the loss.
I'm about to go through this with one of my dogs. He's about 14 and very frail.
I'm sorry for your loss, we've lost two over the past few years and each one was very difficult. It sounds like you gave Taylor a great life!
Losing a great dog sucks because dogs are better than people.
I am very sorry to hear/read this.
I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss. You gave Taylor the best life. Cosmo and Kuiper, our puppies, will be hugged extra tight tonight.
3/24/24 7:44 a.m.
Been through that about as many times as I have fingers. Never easy, but I'd rather have the 'planned' departure than sudden death.
This guy suffered from seizures. We were racing him to the pet ER when he left us.

The only thing worse was my wife's scream of anguish when they told her he was gone. He was only about 4.

Condolences, Buddy. Be well.
So sorry.
We have four at home currently. Never fewer than two in the house. In twenty years with my wife we've had to say goodbye to too many of them. It never gets any easier.
Sending love!
914Driver said:
Sorry for your loss, that's the worst damn part of pets! Winter just turned two, hope he has a long run like Taylor.

Is that a Jack Russell? If so, they often have cat-like lifespans. Unfortunately, mine had a collapsed disc in his back and was crabby for the last 7 years of his life due to the chronic pain.
I'm sorry to hear you lost your little buddy.....we have a 7 year old that's not feeling well today, looks like a trip to the emergency vet for us today......
Edit: ours seemed to perk up just as we got to the em. doc office, so we brought him back home. He's running around like normal now and even ate a full lunch. No idea what was wrong, but he was def out of sorts earlier, I'm glad to see that whatever it was seems to have passed.
I would if I could. Losing short term children is not easy.
So sorry to hear. Extra hugs given today.
Sorry to hear brother. Dogs are the best thing ever until they pass and your heart goes with them.
Much love your way from me, Megan, Karmann, Ghia, Maynard, and Rolland.
Mrs. preach here. I'm so sorry for your loss, it's always so hard to say goodbye.
I saw this one day and it made so much sense as sad as it is for us:

I will hug my girls and think fondly of my pets that have gone before them.