I'm so berkeleying miserable. I get it at least twice a year and it sucks. I felt it coming on yesterday and I already knew it was too late.
I'm so berkeleying miserable. I get it at least twice a year and it sucks. I felt it coming on yesterday and I already knew it was too late.
I blame my mother. She could of had them taken out when I was a kid, but no. So here I am as an adult miserable as hell.
I should get them removed.
In reply to Lesley:
I haven't done it yet, but I may do it in the morning. I can't handle the salt water. As soon as it hits my tongue, game over man, game over.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: I blame my mother. She could of had them taken out when I was a kid, but no. So here I am as an adult miserable as hell. I should get them removed.
Get rid of the nads too, then you won't have those annoying urges.
I started getting an annual tonsil infection a few years ago. First one was so bad I had my girlfriend dial 9-1 in the event I stopped breathing. Of course at that point I was so doped up on the Vicodin I got from my doctor's visit that I probably wouldn't have minded too much.
I swear next time I get one (and I have health insurance again), they're coming out. No more of that, thank you.
Hang in there, man.
Instead of regular salt, try sea salt or pickling salt. Not quite as disgusting, but does the trick.
Both points on here are dead on. For now, use salt water. It helps. Once you're better, if you're getting the infection that often, get 'em out. I had mine taken out when I was 17. It sucks. No way to sugar coat it. The first week after you have them out is pretty damn miserable. But you're done with toncillitis forever.
Lesley wrote: Instead of regular salt, try sea salt or pickling salt. Not quite as disgusting, but does the trick.
I was under the impression it was the iodine in iodinized salt that did the trick. You know, like Morton. Does other salt have it?
My tonsils quit bothering me after my younger daughter had hers out. I think she and I traded the trouble back and foirth, after she would bring it home from that festering cauldron of disease known as school.
There is a throat spray I used to use that had alcohol, and painkillers, and would numb my throat...its been long enough I've foprgotten...Chloraseptic-thats it. It worked really well for the pain, I dunno if it helped cure anything.
There's a reason that tonsils are no longer removed as a routine event. That reason is that they are an important part of your immune system.
I think you should man up and quit whining!
1988RedT2 wrote: There's a reason that tonsils are no longer removed as a routine event. That reason is that they are an important part of your immune system. http://ehealthmd.com/content/what-tonsillitis I think you should man up and quit whining!![]()
Spoken like a man who hasn't suffered tonsilitis twice a year...
mtn wrote: Get them taken out and be done with it.
This. My wife used to get brutal tonsillitis at least once a year, if not more. Like 103 fevers as an adult tonsillitis. She finally had them out and the surgeon said "it was like your tonsils had tonsils." Surgery and recovery weren't fun, but she was over it in a few days. Since then she has hardly been sick.
1988RedT2 wrote: There's a reason that tonsils are no longer removed as a routine event. That reason is that they are an important part of your immune system.
As Bill Cosby once said: "Tonsils are there to help you fight colds and battle infections. Your tonsils have lost the war. In fact, they have gone so far that they are now fighting for the other side."
Duke wrote: As Bill Cosby once said: "Tonsils are there to help you fight colds and battle infections. Your tonsils have lost the war. In fact, they have gone so far that they are now fighting for the other side."
I totally read this in his voice.
TON-SILS are there ... to help you fight COLDS and battle infections. ... Your tonsils...have lost the WAR. ... In FACT!... they have gone SO far that they are now FIGHTING for the OTHer side !!
Lost mine when I was 6 or so, supposedly to keep me from getting ear infections (now THOSE damn things HURT). Didn't work too well, I am just now getting over another ear infection... at age 53.
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