Duke wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
JUST A few more hours and the silly season can stop. YAY!
For the record, none of the big names got my vote this year. I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.
I've been preaching that heavily for a few months. Good for you, Bob. But if you think the silly season will end at midnight, you're in for a rude surprise.
WELL, AT least I'll be able to watch television without all the ads. I can tune out the other stupid crap. 
sachilles wrote:
Local radio guy suggest making a drinking game out of the election coverage today. Take a drink every time you hear the word "battleground state" today.
I'm already berkeleyed-in-half drunk.
I Voted!!! Does that make me a cool kid?!
In reply to N Sperlo:
The original intent was to act as a buffer between the people and the educated upper class whom they thought should really be making the decisions. Nowadays all the electoral college does is cast their votes the way that the state they represent goes. At the least, it Gould go the way of Nebraska and Maine which votes in proportion with the vote in the state. In the current system, a vote in Texas is not worth the same as a vote in Ohio or Iowa or penn. to my mind this is the greatest shortfall of the electoral college system
Yo Vote, according to the sticker they gave me.
11/6/12 8:45 a.m.
I'm pretty sure I know who I will vote for, I just hope I'm making the right decision...
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
sachilles wrote:
Local radio guy suggest making a drinking game out of the election coverage today. Take a drink every time you hear the word "battleground state" today.
I'm already berkeleyed-in-half drunk.
you must have started late. I decided to do that with coffee. obviouslyihavehad3potsalreadyandimwaitingonthe4thpotandineedsomethingelsetodobecauseihavesoooomuchenergyrightnowandican'tstopmylegfrombouncing.youknowwhat'sawesome?cinnamoncoffeehomemade.stuffsfriggingawesomeeveryoneshouldtryit.
New Reader
11/6/12 8:50 a.m.
in at 8:15, I was lucky 100. took about 1/2 an hour. Several neighbors i saw there the workers could not find the name in the book. It is amazing that all of that is still manual check in. get out and vote!
I will be hitting the polls after work. It's my first time voting in this town, so it should be interesting.
And I can't wait to stop getting the piles of hate-filled junk mail from the Senatorial candidates here in MA! 
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
sachilles wrote:
Local radio guy suggest making a drinking game out of the election coverage today. Take a drink every time you hear the word "battleground state" today.
I'm already berkeleyed-in-half drunk.
Drunk and passed out already here.... been up since 6am and the local news outlet we watch is out of Huntington WV, which is just a stone throw away from OH.... 
Bobzilla wrote:
JUST A few more hours and the silly season can stop. YAY!
For the record, none of the big names got my vote this year. I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.
Agreed, there's too much smoke and mirror BS why do you HAVE to choose the lesser of two evils?
MA$$hole wrote:
Agreed, there's too much smoke and mirror BS why do you HAVE to choose the lesser of two evils?
You don't. You could choose the greater of them.
Strizzo wrote:
In reply to N Sperlo:
The original intent was to act as a buffer between the people and the educated upper class whom they thought should really be making the decisions. Nowadays all the electoral college does is cast their votes the way that the state they represent goes. At the least, it Gould go the way of Nebraska and Maine which votes in proportion with the vote in the state. In the current system, a vote in Texas is not worth the same as a vote in Ohio or Iowa or penn. to my mind this is the greatest shortfall of the electoral college system
There is nothing holding any member to vote with their state, but I won't argue about that. I yield my time.
In reply to N Sperlo:
How many times has a member of the electoral college not voted the way they were supposed to? I only know of one time, when one did not vote or voted the other way so that George Washington would be the only president ever elected unanimously. Or something. That was a long time ago.
11/6/12 9:16 a.m.
I voted last week; in and out in less than 15min and this was in DeKalb County, GA.
At least this state got the early voting thing right.
Oh and: http://m.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-faithless-elector.htm
156 times, 71 of which were because the candidate died before the vote.
From the link: " In some regions, there are specific laws which provide penalties for someone who chooses to become a faithless elector. Others may be subject to Party censure and public disapproval, but face no legal penalties. "
11/6/12 9:17 a.m.
singleslammer wrote:
I Voted!!! Does that make me a cool kid?!
Only if you went here:
Of course, you have to undo the "berkeleying" replacement of the standard Anglo-saxon monosyllable.
11/6/12 9:22 a.m.
Went on my way to work, #56 at my location. Reserved my right to bitch for the next 2/4/6 years (office dependent, of course).
This is one thing Washington (State) really gets right. We ALL vote by mail. I dropped our ballots off yesterday and the local office said our county already had 44% returned (and we got 85% participation out of the last Prez election). No lines, no hanging chads, no digital machines, no 3-minute time limits. We also get a very well done, neutral, voter's guide to help explain the amendments, candidates, etc.
Also, the Electoral College is BS. ALL the states should switch to the Nebraska/Maine style (where the President gets electorates based on the actual vote percentage as opposed to a winner-takes-all approach) AND there should be real repercussions for faithless electors, like life imprisonment (and vote deletion).
I want an app to vote on my smartphone. I will vote after work.
Longest lines I have ever seen at my polling place this AM. Got there at 7:30 and it took almost 1:20 to make it through. Part of that was because they showed they had mailed me a ballot which I never received.
Clerk: "They show here they mailed you a ballot"
Me: "If they had I wouldn't be here talking to you"
Spent the extra time trying to get through a particularly tough level of Angry Birds.
Can't get to the polls until my car has snow tires on it. I'll probably be in line for 50 years.
Done. Took 10 min. It is the first time I have ever voted in a church. It is usally a civic center or a school.
Voted by mail; glad I did since I'm in Ohio.
We had been getting about 5 pieces of election mail a day - yesterday we got 10. It's been more mail than I've seen in a long time. Hopefully the money pumped into the Ohio economy does us some good, but it will be nice to go back to being unwanted and unloved. Watching an entire episode of the Daily Show without hearing Ohio mentioned once would be great.