11/6/12 10:12 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
I live in a red state. I live in the most red district within said red state. This is no accident. The margin between my state being a red state or a blue state 4 years ago was 4 points. I do not want to live in a blue state. If the Steelers and Packers are in the Superbowl, I'm not betting my money (literally) on the Browns.
I hope that makes sense. I am trying to get good and whiskey lubed. I am also trying to keep E36 M3 funny and lighthearted as this thread is pretty blatantly poking the beautiful bear.
I live in a red state. Except Baltimore and surrounding counties supersedes the opinion of everyone else and makes me live in a blue state. berkeley Baltimore.
I don't have any booze, so I'm struggling to keep this lighthearted.
Well. Looks like that's a wrap. I vote for Evan Williams.
mtn wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Voted. And "threw away" my vote on a third party candidate.
I hope you don't hate yourself in the morning. I have for the last 4 years.
Why? Unless you're living in an undecided state, your vote for prez really doesn't matter. It is going one way or the other, and you really are not going to have an impact on it. Might as well vote for something that actually stands for something other than keeping an ass or an elephant in power.
Alabama was not a real unbiased state so this ^
Alabama was such a lock for Romney that we elected a dead Republican over the incumbent Democrat. I don't feel bad at all for my 3rd party vote.
Wow, this board doesn't like underscores at all.
11/7/12 12:45 a.m.
Indiana followed standard tradition of voting for whomever we, Rep/Dem, Man/Woman, etc. Are we awesome? Or do we just believe in common sense. 
INDIANA, berkeley YEAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I just don't get WV. Reelect a Dem gov, senator, and most of the local offices are Dems too, but then the state votes for Romney? WTF?
Yeah. Right. In two years, look around and see if any meaningful legislation has been passed or even introduced to address any of the real problems we face: Social Security bankruptcy, meaningful health care reform, term limits, knocking down the federal deficit and debt both, etc etc etc.
I got $10 says none of those have been addressed in any meaningful way, but there's been all kinds of feel good crap 'accomplished' like introducing Miss Iowa Corn Alcohol Subsidy, etc. so all that screaming, posturing, time, effort and money have just been pissed away. Again.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Yeah. Right. In two years, look around and see if any meaningful legislation has been passed or even introduced to address any of the real problems we face: Social Security bankruptcy, meaningful health care reform, term limits, knocking down the federal deficit and debt both, etc etc etc.
Don't feel bad. I'm a Canadian, so I got no dog in this hunt, but I have said the very same thing after our elections...All in all, who runs stuff doesn't make a whole lot of difference, I'm afraid.
WE, as a country, deserve what we get. We have just shown the world we're too stupid to self govern. That is all I have to say on this subject.
Bobzilla is a sore loser today.
What happened to no political threads?
I believe this was just a "I voted" check.
11/7/12 7:26 a.m.
In reply to flightservice:
He's just venting for 48.5% of the voters.
hmmph...if you dont have something nice to say yadda yadda....
Jeez might as well just close this thread now. Voting is done, the results are what they are.
In reply to Flight Service:
Love the new avatar. Made me LOLZ
11/7/12 7:43 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
WE, as a country, deserve what we get. We have just shown the world we're too stupid to self govern. That is all I have to say on this subject.
Keep it to yourself.
He didn't specify WHY he thought we were too stupid to self govern.
Personally, I think it's because we voted out moderates and voted in extremists, thus increasing polarization in an already polarized government. It has nothing to do with whether you're a Red Flavor or a Blue Flavor. It has to do with yet another ratchet up in the political arms race we're inflicting on ourselves.
That's why I think we're too stupid to self govern.
In reply to Duke:
This is still not the place, nor the time for it.
So much for the land of the free.
DoctorBlade wrote:
So much for the land of the free.
Oh comeon now... We are the land of the free. Free phones, free healthcare, free food stamps, etc....