My younger found a car sitting in this guys garage. He gets his number and calls him about buying it. I make a list of basic questions about the car and tell him to call him and find out about it. ok. easy.
I talk to my brother. "What kinda car is it?"
David- " a Honda"
Me- " a honda what!? details?
david- "it has four doors"
So the deal was made over the phone that my younger brother would buy a 4 door honda for $100.
We show up today to pick it up with my buddy nick and his trailer.
The rear brakes are frozen. We drag it out of the driveway tires screeching. we pull it up and down the street tires screaming all along. one tire broke free. nice. load it on the trailer and off we go. Just by pressure washing it we increased the value to well over $250
It has 13x,xxx miles 5 speed. lots of rust underneath and barely drives--sounds like death when moving though.
Anyway here it is.

Loooks like it too will be scrapped. try to sell it but most likely scrap
Fun weekend so far
4/24/10 8:32 p.m.
In reply to CarKid1989:
Doesn't run at all? Looks like a perfect start to a BABE or Lemons car.
I have a soft spot for those- they were all around when I was in high school, I (mis)spent many happy evenings cruising around in those things.
At least it's a 5-speed.
Put a little work into it and it'll probably go another 130k.
Thats a clean car for where I'm from.
Appleseed wrote:
Thats a clean car for were I'm from.
Yeah- when he mentioned rust and Honda, I was expecting something other than that- like, no sills, no wheel arches, fenders flapping, rear bumper cover hanging, I'm sure you know the story.
I know plenty of people who would buy that car barely running for $500 if not more. Couple of new hubs, a bit of fiddling, probably good as new-ish/
Jake wrote:
In reply to CarKid1989:
Doesn't run at all? Looks like a perfect start to a BABE or Lemons car.
Oh no. Runs great. Cranked right up as a matter of fact. Just drives horrid and needs brakes.
$500 and its yours. Hell $500 and its anyones!
A white 3rd gen sedan, maroon/tan interior... seriously that is identical to my first car.
After wanting it for 3 minuets, I'm glad I'm too broke to buy it
4/26/10 12:30 a.m.
Uh, to the mods, I accidentally just reported Appleseeds post... Didn't mean to do it... So... Um.. yeah.
Bye now!
That thing is sweet. I would rock it.