" One must have dated a woman of great intellect to know what pleasure there is in dating a fool."
Ummm, I gotta disagree. I've dated smart women who were very nice. I've dated dumb women who were very nice. I've also dated both smart and dumb women who turned out to be nasty and psychotic. Give me intelligent and nice any day. I prefer a good roll in the hay followed by intelligent discourse. 
6/17/10 8:03 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
" One must have dated a woman of great intellect to know what pleasure there is in dating a fool."
Ummm, I gotta disagree. I've dated smart women who were very nice. I've dated dumb women who were very nice. I've also dated both smart and dumb women who turned out to be nasty and psychotic. Give me intelligent and nice any day. I prefer a good roll in the hay followed by intelligent discourse.
And some smart women realise that the ignition key also fits the doors and the trunk. 
What kinda car she drive?
6/17/10 9:38 p.m.
A quick wit + charisma is waaaay more of a turn-on for me than good looks. Sense of humour is a must too.
Ditch all of them and go rallycross. It'll be cheaper and less stressful, even if you have to buy a car.
< edit > No miata for rallycross. 
92dxman wrote:
To make a long story short, I went out with a gal on Saturday night and it was one of the better dates I've gone out on in a long time (she is outdoorsy, okay with getting her hands dirty and likes PBR out of a can). Her and I hung out again on Sunday and that went well too. I think that there is definitely potential between her and I. I've kinda been seeing what else is out there and i'm supposed to have a couple other dates looming in the next week or two. Do I go on with these looming dates or see what happens with the gal I was hanging out with all this past weekend exclusively?
"Monogamy" shouldn't become an issue unless you're actually sleeping together (and I don't mean "spooning", if you catch my drift).
Any relationship without sex is a "friendship". Any sex without a relationship is "exercise". Your friends have no buisiness knowing about your exercise routine.
For me, there is no monogamy without a sexual encounter with someone I actually want to be with. YMMV.
In reply to EastCoastMojo:Even if you ball up you're DD on the coarse , it's still cheaper.
Lesley wrote:
A quick wit + charisma is waaaay more of a turn-on for me than good looks. Sense of humour is a must too.
I've heard that all my life, and I still spent most saturday nights in high school with my first love, Dr Quinn medicine chick.
Pretend #1 is a cop. You don't have to tell her everything, but everything you tell her must be true.
I have never lied to SWMBO. Not once. I haven't told her all the stuipd E36 M3 I do/have done, but every thing I've told her is 100% honest. Trust is important, especially when you're getting to know someone.
HOLY 10 year thread revival!!!!
It was a Canoe revival involving mail order bride services.
Snowdoggie said:
It was a Canoe revival involving mail order bride services.
This could be relevant to my interests. In other news Dr Quinn is on Amazon.
In reply to Wally (Forum Supporter) :
There seems to be a lot of interest in Kayaks and paddling today.
Lesley said:
A quick wit + charisma is waaaay more of a turn-on for me than good looks. Sense of humour is a must too.
What ever happened to Lesley? I miss her posts.
6/29/20 10:11 p.m.
In reply to poopshovel :
Exactly! Got to try all flavors before you buy.
Wow! It's a 10 year post. Cool.
In reply to 92dxman :
What ever happened to the girl in the first post. The bored masses need to have the ending to the story.
When a guy stops talking about a girl to his "friends" you know it is serious. 
I can't remember what happened to be honest with you. I've been happily married for 8 years now and it can't be my wife (since she despises PBR)..
I went back and started reading and found Wally's comment :
"Have you ever seen a woman stop looking at shoes because she might have found a pair she likes?"