It's probably too late to stop this. And probably already happens. Pass this around to as many people as possible.. Big Brother is probably already here. It's not surprising this hit the news on a Friday. Also there has been surprisingly little media outcry about it.. If the Government wants to issue a press release Fridays are the best day to do so. Since most people are distracted by the upcoming weekend...
Anyway on to the post...
The Canadian Government is watching you — on just about every social-media platform you can imagine.
Tweets, public Facebook posts and YouTube videos could soon be subject to round-the-clock scrutiny by the federal government, a procurement document posted this week by Public Works and Government Services Canada suggests.
That includes combing through "blogs, micro-blogs, social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter, forums and message boards,
I expect to be in Jail tomorrow, (on some trumped up charge) for posting this. I hope to have enough time to pound back the case of beer I just put in the fridge. If not there will be free beer at my house if the government doesn't confiscate it!!
I would be more surprised if this wasn't already happening. It's public information, they're going to use it to their advantage like all governments have been doing for many years. Now it's just online info they're looking at. Meh.
Oooo. Dead link. Y'all must have an NSA up there, too. 
Go fer a rip? Canada in all it's glory. Where's my darts?
Were too polite to care, well most of us anyway.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Oooo. Dead link. Y'all must have an NSA up there, too.
They sent the special ops Mounties over there to politely ask them to take down the article.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Oooo. Dead link. Y'all must have an NSA up there, too.
Something wrong with his link
In reply to johnnytorque:
Those guys live in my town.. 
12/1/13 10:06 a.m.
berkeley, I couldn't imagine a more boring job.
My concern is not the monitoring so much as who's getting the information. The government is one issue, but the governing party (not just the current one, but any political party) using the information would be very uncool.
Thing is, I can see our current governing party doing this for their benefit and not that of the nation. I don't think they are able to distinguish the difference.
12/1/13 12:04 p.m.
Does any government anywhere do anything for the benefit of the nation?
I try and sent one incomplete obscene e mail a day to keep the NSA entertained.
In reply to SkinnyG:
According to them it is all for the benefit of the nation. We need to be protected from ourselves after all.
I dreamed of being able to read people's thoughts.
Now, thanks to Twitter and Facebook, I'm over it.
In reply to akamcfly:
Exactly, what I was thinking.
"Government: A bunch of people in Dawson City and Pickle Lake, are really against us."
"Let's go thru their internet posts and find a way to berkeley over their credibility.."
"Then we can figure out a way to spin it"..
"People who support our opponents are also a bunch of **"
"Here is the proof **."..
This will help whatever party is in power....
SkinnyG wrote:
Does any government anywhere do anything for the benefit of the nation?
Nope. they do it to line their pockets with $$$$.
In reply to johnnytorque:
What is the chorus? Cant understand that northern tongue.
You mean they weren't doing that already? Now that's a surprise...
Jaxmadine wrote:
What is the chorus? Cant understand that northern tongue.
Just out for a rip, are you bud? Just out for a rip.
Who knows what that thing is they're shooting?
12/2/13 11:04 a.m.
Our current leaders are the sleaziest, dirtiest bunch imaginable, whose only aim is the piecemeal sale of our resources to the highest bidders.
Didja get that Stevie, you liver-lipped slime-bot? 
I never knew Canada even had a government until this year. They are really working overtime to make a name for themselves.
Lesley wrote:
Our current leaders are the sleaziest, dirtiest bunch imaginable, whose only aim is the piecemeal sale of our resources to the highest bidders.
Didja get that Stevie, you liver-lipped slime-bot?
Dang. Sure you aren't talking about ours?