I work in garbage. It's hard work. Especially in the summer. We run it old school, we use rear load trucks, and the drivers run solo. Which basically means that you align the trash with the back of the truck, get out, walk to the back, throw trash, reverse procedure. Repeat approximately 300 times per day. Very rural area, stops are pretty spread out.
When they hired me, that's what I did for about a year. When the roll off truck came open, that's what I moved to. Less work, more problem solving. Not the same thing day to day. I really like it. However...
The second guy they've hired for my old route in 9 months just put in his two weeks notice. First guy stopped showing up, about the tint Covid started, and I think he was hoping he would get that $600 a week extra unemployment. He wasn't too bright.
Second guy was a younger guy, but he was pretty overweight. Probably 5' 6" and knocking on 300 lbs. Poor guy was about as round as he was tall. Great guy, really liked him, but he's decided he's had enough. Although I think his girlfriend has decided that he's had enough.
So, between these two guys, I've had to fill in. Now, I'm not too good to do it. And I don't mind to help out when I need to. But this makes four positions we have open. FOUR. The pay is good, the benefits are really good, but it's work in every sense of the word.
Why can't we find people who want to stick it out anymore?
It's not even a young person thing either. We've had guys of all ages come and go.
October 2nd is his last day. Let's see if I'm throwing trash before then.
Just wanted to rant for a moment. Thank you for your time.
Have a wonderful night.