FWIW, here is where I am coming from - not that I'm making sweeping judgements here or anything, but I do want to share my perspective.
I started work at 13. That was the first real job. Before that, I mowed lawns and shoveled snow. Never had an allowance. I was a caddie. At 18, I added ice hockey referee to the resume (still doing that to this day, or will be once we get Covid under control). I loved caddying. I love reffing. But they don't pay the bills for a family, at least not the lifestyle that we want to live. Why is that? Well, it is enjoyable work. If it wasn't, we'd get paid more. We have a hard time filling Adult League games. They're late at night. They only pay $45. I have to get up and work the next day, it takes 3 hours out of my free time, it just isn't worth it. The leagues complain about the quality of refs... Well, you guys don't pay enough. You're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Pay more, or uphold our game misconducts, make the game take less time, you'll get better refs. It doesn't ever happen. I still do it occasionally for those games, but only when it is super convenient for me. Obviously the pay isn't the only issue here, but it is a glaring one.
I'd still be caddying to this day if the job offered benefits. But it doesn't. So while my take home pay was more than my first couple of jobs out of college, it was less overall compensation.
But right now, in Covid? I can definitely see not finding people to work. The $600 a week benefit is $15 an hour. How good are your health benefits? I couldn't afford them if I had a family on $15 an hour, so you'd better be paying more than $15 an hour (I know that the $600 has expired, just stating the argument). Myself? I'd take the unemployment unless the job prospect was really good. Garbage man? That may be really good, honestly, depending on the retirement and health benefits. But working at Target? Nah, thanks though. I'd take the unemployment, flip items off of craigslist/facebook/garage sales, and learn a new skill or 4.
EDIT: Also, a top consideration for my wife and I right now in any job prospects: What are you doing to protect me from Covid? Are you letting me work from home, if it is a desk job?