Edit: I tried following instructions. See if that happens again...
Edit again: And that doesn`t work either. Lets try a hotlink...

Heck, I don't even see one in this thread! 
Heck, I don't even see on of those in your post!
6/20/16 1:42 p.m.
I have a garage full of them. Should I start selling them?
6/20/16 1:43 p.m.
In fact, my wife says that's what my head is full of.
No, no you don't. I'd love to have it, but I don't relish the thought of flying it across the continent to get it home, nor do I have a place to put it. But I still want it.
In the same vein, anyone looking for a boat? PT 48
02Pilot wrote:
No, no you don't. I'd love to have it, but I don't relish the thought of flying it across the continent to get it home, nor do I have a place to put it. But I still want it.
In the same vein, anyone looking for a boat? PT 48
something is wrong with that boat.
The group who is selling it restores these and it is giving a pass to an "excellent restoration" boat.
I smell something fishy and it aint just the bilge.
Flight Service wrote:
02Pilot wrote:
No, no you don't. I'd love to have it, but I don't relish the thought of flying it across the continent to get it home, nor do I have a place to put it. But I still want it.
In the same vein, anyone looking for a boat? PT 48
something is wrong with that boat.
The group who is selling it restores these and it is giving a pass to an "excellent restoration" boat.
I smell something fishy and it aint just the bilge.
Yeah - like all the photos are of it still shrinkwrapped so you can't see the boat? and it was moved at "great expense" to the group? Run, don't walk....
Wonder if that was built from Walt Redfern plans?
Ah, a dreidecker! Veddy Interesting!
02Pilot wrote:
No, no you don't. I'd love to have it, but I don't relish the thought of flying it across the continent to get it home, nor do I have a place to put it. But I still want it.
In the same vein, anyone looking for a boat? PT 48
I'd love to have that replica Fokker. I'd actually have to get my pilots license however since the FAA probably wouldn't believe it was an ultralight operating out of a corn field.
Auction listing stated:
Red Baron Replica , REG CG-ZYA, original Red Baron Reg. Plate
What exactly does that mean - was this built using the equivalent to a VIN from one of Richthofen's original airframes?
ultraclyde wrote:
Flight Service wrote:
02Pilot wrote:
No, no you don't. I'd love to have it, but I don't relish the thought of flying it across the continent to get it home, nor do I have a place to put it. But I still want it.
In the same vein, anyone looking for a boat? PT 48
something is wrong with that boat.
The group who is selling it restores these and it is giving a pass to an "excellent restoration" boat.
I smell something fishy and it aint just the bilge.
Yeah - like all the photos are of it still shrinkwrapped so you can't see the boat? and it was moved at "great expense" to the group? Run, don't walk....
I used to do a lot of work at Norwalk Cove Marina and there was a PT boat there that had been converted into a private yacht. I was told that Sinatra had owned it at one point.
6/20/16 9:20 p.m.
i looked up DR1 facts once, something about the top wing tending to snap in the middle, frequent wingovers while landing, no thanks. cool, though, that's for sure.
The wings fell off due to E36 M3ty workmanship, not the design. Technically, they don't need wing struts. They were added because it made the pilots uneasy without them. They have zero crosswind component capability.