10/26/10 6:11 p.m.
My wife and I had a need to update our wills. I was trying to expedite the process for a friend who would become the sole heir and caretaker of my kids if we both died.
He's not a car guy, and would have no idea what to do with all the crap in my garage and yard.
I'd rather him worry about caring for my children than try to figure out what the heck to do with all the cars and stuff.
So I told him that there really wasn't enough value in that stuff for him to worry about. In an effort to make it easy, I gave him the phone number of a board member here that I trust, and told him in the event of my untimely demise to call him and tell him to tell him to distribute it all to the GRM crowd.
So, if anything happens to me, I'll get one more laugh watching your feeding frenzy from above. You guys have given me a lot of laughs, and it somehow seemed fitting.
But don't get your hopes up. I'm planning on being around a long time just to piss you off. 
10/26/10 6:14 p.m.
And I sincerely hope that you get that opportunity! But, you do have some cool stuff.
Where there's a will, what's the way?
10/26/10 6:28 p.m.
Hocrest wrote:
Dibs on the SVX
Nice try, but nobody gets dibs. The trusted GRMer will distribute as he sees fit.
But the news is a little worse, Hocrest. He likes SVXii. 
10/26/10 6:40 p.m.
I'm seeing now how this could go badly... 
The only good news for me is that the trusted GRMer doesn't know who he is!
But we know he likes SVXii, so that narrows it down to members with good taste 
10/26/10 6:59 p.m.
On this board, I don't think it narrows it at all. 
You know the average GRMer would probably just pile them up in his/her yard instead of giving them out right?
10/26/10 7:03 p.m.
Of course I know that!
But my ace in the hole is that I've told you. My demise will become known, and SOMEBODY'S yard will start filling up with Yugos, SVXii, and various other crazy stuff.
If he doesn't follow through, I might have a little company sooner than he expected! 
Might finally get rid of that Supra rear suspension. 
You need to save at least one car for the kids cause you know you want them to have "that" gene too. 
I think I'll start a SVreX "death watch" thread. Maybe it will be bigger than the ignore and/or hotlink threads, with time 
Wait, is this just the cars, or do we have a shot at the kids, too? 'Cause your kids are cute, well-behaved, and smart. 
I'm sure I'm not the chosen one, I'm too far way.
I'd rather you stay around, your posts are rather good...
And for your kids as well, I guess
Do me a favor and wait a while before you die. That way, I'll be old enough to support a yard full of cars, and I'll also have less competition.
I would rather see you hustle any of those cars on a track than sit sadly in the driver's seat fondly recalling the Challenges and other events we shared any day....that said, El Camino.....
Wow, he doesn't even know? Are you planning on telling him so he can start taking bribes? 
10/27/10 7:57 p.m.
Are you crazy?? That's like suicide! 

If you do it just right the suit you are buried in is the last thing you own in the world. Check out Willie The Wimp by Stevie Ray Vaughn.
10/27/10 9:31 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Wait, is this just the cars, or do we have a shot at the kids, too? 'Cause your kids are cute, well-behaved, and smart.
LOOK! Margie is already buttering him up to be executor.
In reply to 4eyes:
Oh, executor, not executer.
Took me in a minute, as I didn't see Margie as a menace. Unless you were a "dick" at the Challenge