I woke up from a crazy dream this morning. I was at a Barrett-Jackson type event, except instead of overpriced cars being rolled across the stage, it was overpriced model RR layouts.
They were all pretty standard & generally boring to see after a while, except for one: while it had sculpted hills & valleys, there was no fake grass/trees/water/buildings. Instead the entire thing looked like a glitter-bomb exploded all over it. It had running waterways that were dyed different bright colors(and also had glitter in them), and there were various toys floating along - I remember Sponge Bob, a My Little Pony, and some small plush animals too. I don’t remember anything specific about the train(s), but the whole thing was so over the top & stood out from all the rest..
However, after (somewhat) waking up from that, I had a semi-conscious idea. I want to build a 70’s custom van, but rather than do the typical interior bar/love-den, I’ll install a model railroad. Which then leads to the perfect exterior graphics: the Soul Train locomotive graphics wrapped around both sides. Of course I’d also need a thumping system blasting out old-school funk, disco and R&B too.
You obviously are getting into deep REM sleep lol.
Acid flashbacks are real.
Stop eating spicy salsa before bedtime
drainoil said:
You obviously are getting into deep REM sleep lol.
What’s crazy is I woke up at 5am, downed a can of Mt. Dew, then fell back asleep around 7am.
Last night I spent some time trying to get a rabid bobcat off the roof of a car i don't even own. Man he was pissed.
When you got technicolor HO layout high, you plenty high.
True story: A guy quite close to here who works for Cranemasters got ahold of a retired caboose and installed it on a short section of track on his property. When I last spoke with him, he was going to use it to house his model train layout.
Toyman01 said:
Last night I spent some time trying to get a rabid bobcat off the roof of a car i don't even own. Man he was pissed.
When do you pick up the car?
In reply to 1988RedT2 :
Or just slide an F7 cab next to your basement layout to control the trains.

In reply to Appleseed :
Wow, somebody spent a LOT of time with a cutting wheel. I assume the building was built around it?
Pretty sweet.
12/14/19 6:38 p.m.
Last night I dreamt that Hitler had secretly been kept alive by the United States after ww2, France had just found out and was invading Cocoa Beach, where I was.
It's been about 3 decades since I've had a dream.. enjoy them!
Pete Gossett said:
I woke up from a crazy dream this morning. I was at a Barrett-Jackson type event, except instead of overpriced cars being rolled across the stage, it was overpriced model RR layouts.
They were all pretty standard & generally boring to see after a while, except for one: while it had sculpted hills & valleys, there was no fake grass/trees/water/buildings. Instead the entire thing looked like a glitter-bomb exploded all over it. It had running waterways that were dyed different bright colors(and also had glitter in them), and there were various toys floating along - I remember Sponge Bob, a My Little Pony, and some small plush animals too. I don’t remember anything specific about the train(s), but the whole thing was so over the top & stood out from all the rest..
However, after (somewhat) waking up from that, I had a semi-conscious idea. I want to build a 70’s custom van, but rather than do the typical interior bar/love-den, I’ll install a model railroad. Which then leads to the perfect exterior graphics: the Soul Train locomotive graphics wrapped around both sides. Of course I’d also need a thumping system blasting out old-school funk, disco and R&B too.
You could, like, add little windows to the sides and have the trains run through so you can see them outside the van. Hell, you could have the trains carrying itty bitty custom vans.
The whole thing sounds trippy.
Mi dreams are so boring, I wish I didn't have to pass drug test like so you. :(
WonkoTheSane said:
It's been about 3 decades since I've had a dream.. enjoy them!
There is a dark side: I've been getting wake-you-up nightmares 3 or 4 times a week lately. Can't have them if you don't dream, so you've got that going for you.
Wally said:
Mi dreams are so boring, I wish I didn't have to pass drug test like so you. :(
This is exactly why way back in high school all my stoner/addict friends told me to never bother trying drugs. We were all in agreement they’d probably just make me normal.
12/15/19 6:05 a.m.
Mike said:
Hell, you could have the trains carrying itty bitty custom vans.
Itty bitty custom vans with microscopic aphid sized trains running inside them.
Covered in glitter, of course!
Ian F
12/15/19 7:15 a.m.
I don't dream very often anymore, but when I do they're typically weird.
Last night I had a dream I was going into a facility that felt oddly familiar - like similar to some of the places I've surveyed for work. To get into one of the areas there was an access control keypad. The access code I used was the same as the one a character in the Expanse used to get into a secured area. That episode being the last thing I watched before going to bed. It struck me as odd because normally you don't see numbers and letters very well in dreams, but the numbers on that keypad were clear as day.
You guys ready for the next round? I just woke up from a nap...
I was randomly staying with Woody in CT, which should have been a bit awkward since we’ve never met in person. What was awkward was his sociopathic neighbor who came over to talk to me, alone, in Woody’s foyer. I’m pretty sure the man is a deranged serial killer disguised as a life insurance salesman. Woody, if you have a life insurance selling neighbor, don’t turn your back on him.
What was less awkward was the random ratty 1980’s Porsche I bought off Marketplace & had parked in Woody’s front yard. A very brown & very very long 911 limo. I apparently planned to fix it up enough to drive back home to MS, as I didn’t have any other way home.
Today’s dream, while not as cool Or GRM-related, had a couple oddities.
I had to go into the city for work - no idea what city, or what kind of work, but it was congested & I couldn’t find any surface parking for my van, so I ended up in the upper levels of a parking garage. For some reason I had my red 2-wheel hand truck with me, and I was really disappointed to discover the only way out of the garage was a spiral staircase.
I’m guessing you, like me, have never need to - or even contemplated - taking a 2-wheel hand truck down a spiral staircase, but it wasn’t fun. Fortunately there was an older gentleman in a suit also heading down, who recognized my plight and offered some friendly chat to break the mood...which somehow turned to the topic of Bob Ross.
After several flights I was starting to get a rhythm going, so imagine my dismay to discover the final flight turned the opposite direction(counter-clockwise vs. clockwise), and was MUCH tighter. So tight that I couldn’t fit the hand truck into them. Fortunately there was a friendly crackhead(?) leaning against a dumpster just below the railing, who I was able to pass the hand truck to - then quickly race to the bottom before he ran off with it.
As I was about to walk off to my destination, the older gentleman postulated that he wished he could ask Bob Ross a question, at which point Bob appears in holographic/ghost form(as though it was no big deal I might add), and strikes up a conversation with both he & the crackhead.
Also, “Like a hand truck down a spiral staircase” is going to be my new euphemism for when E36 M3 goes wrong.