Another lesson in "don't talk to the police": "Police noticed he was "visibly agitated'', and when they told him they were going to search his Holden sedan, he said "go right ahead'', Sgt Edwards said."
wow what a combination...speeding, while transporting illegal drugs, carrying a loaded gun, while masturbating and video taping the whole thing 
was granted bail so he could marry his girlfriend of six months before he goes to jail.
Yes, she picked herself a real winner 
8/3/08 1:19 a.m.
Policeman: I've been waiting for you alllll day, son.
Offender: I came as fast as I could officer.
Now someone do one that's actually witty.
Anyone else notice that it was DARWIN magistrates? 
From what I know he was going to shoot a kangaroo as well. Must be anthor proud day this guy......
rebelgtp wrote:
wow what a combination...speeding, while transporting illegal drugs, carrying a loaded gun, while masturbating and video taping the whole thing
This will forever be my multiforum sig, for reading it without the back story, or even with, it is one of the funniest things I've ever read.
porksboy wrote:
Anyone else notice that it was DARWIN magistrates?
Does anybody remember a story a while back of a guy getting pulled over, and he had a case of beer belted in the backseat, with a 5 year-old kid sitting unrestrained on the floor?,2933,355265,00.html
Yep, also from Darwin, Australia.
These guys are on a roll.