My manager at work has made it required viewing for those who drive a forklift at all. Moral of the story: don't confuse the "go" and "stop" pedals.
My manager at work has made it required viewing for those who drive a forklift at all. Moral of the story: don't confuse the "go" and "stop" pedals.
I didn't see that coming.
On the first forklift I thought about half of that might happen, but when they fired up the second one I foresaw a totally different event.
I bet somebody now wishes they spent the $300 for this.......
Would've saved a whole lotta headaches.
My girlfriend went to another site to find out more about it, and apparently it was a Vodka warehouse in Russia. Authorities say alcohol was involved..
Ya think?
Forklifts can weigh several tons, because of the giant counterweight at the back. Apparently they really do make good substitutes for wrecking balls. [A morbid sense of curiosity would like to see a forklift plow into small car at its highest possible speed.]
as I recall I worked at a small warehouse that had something similar happen a year or so before I worked there... car parts on the shelves (brakes/water pump stuff) and the shelves where never even bolted to the floor lol...
go figure eh
Our forklift weights 11k lbs. I doubt it would have any problem taking out a large shelving unit like that. You can definitely run into stuff with it and not really notice.
When I saw the .ru on the video, it explained a lot. Would not be too hard to scarf up a loose bottle of vodka during the work day. Pretty good video quality, though.
mad_machine wrote: nobody has said it? "That'll buff out"
Actually, Wally said it, a dozen posts ago.
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