1/17/21 3:21 p.m.
Had the below interaction with a fellow driver today. You run into any local rolling wrecks recently?
At a red light, smell hot brakes. Check the corners to make sure it isn't me. Notice a black truck with smoke coming from the wheel. Look closer, wave at him till he rolls down the window.
"Guy, your brakes are literally on fire."
:nods emphatically while I take a pic:
"E36 M3, I'll check it out "

Badly sticking caliper probably. Had that happen on my ranger once. Limped it home stopping every couple miles to let it cool off :P
I once run over a small alligator with my GTI on Bee Line Hwy on my way back from Moroso, now PBIR.
Everybody around me not paying attention to the road and having their noses in their phones. Does that count?
1/17/21 5:13 p.m.
Uninsured and unlicensed drivers. I once watched a car T-bone a van in light afternoon traffic near my house. The car backed up and took off one way, and the van floored it and took off the other way! Decent damage to both, but nobody wanted to stick around for the cops. Everything I drive it fully insured with healthy policies just to insulate me from such drivers.
About once a week, I get cutoff by an impatient shiny happy person at a stoplight. Why does it always seem to be a POS Maxima with the bumper cover falling off?
Since moving to Tampa in December 2018, I have been rear-ended twice while sitting at stoplights and been ran off the road once. Twice so far I have had large trucks pull out in front of me; a garbage truck in a 45mph zone and a flatbed wrecker in a 70mph zone. The only thing that saved me with the wrecker is I saw the front wheel turn out as he pulled into the road from the shoulder. That gave me enough time to swerve into the next lane. It was close.
I have a 55 mile daily commute so the odds of dealing with idiots is not in my favor 
It's usually the pos vehicles with falling off bumpers or tons of duct tape holding something on.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Bloomingdale is a busy road. I live near Big Bend road which is also busy. I try to avoid both if possible.
1/17/21 5:39 p.m.
In reply to stanger_mussle (Forum Supporter) :
Only way I can get out of my neighborhood is Bloomingdale :-/
Central PA, the thing you really have to watch out for is people stopped at the bottom of an on-ramp. They might have a 1/2 mile merge lane, but they stop and wait.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Big Bend is the closest road that has an entrance to 75. I drive north up 301 to Gibsonton and take that way because I hate Big Bend that much.
The first month I was here, I was coming home from the Target on Bloomingdale and was nearly rear ended by an idiot in a minivan when I stopped for a school bus that had its red lights on. He was angry that I stopped but apparently couldn't see the giant yellow bus with flashing lights.
1/17/21 7:34 p.m.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
Central PA, the thing you really have to watch out for is people stopped at the bottom of an on-ramp. They might have a 1/2 mile merge lane, but they stop and wait.
In fairness to the idiot drivers, for decades the idiots at PennDOT put real, actual stop signs at the end of the acceleration lanes on a lot of the roads, like routes 15 and 30.
here in MI, potholes are the #1 hazard
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
pot smugglers from ohio are a close second
dxman92 said:
Everybody around me not paying attention to the road and having their noses in their phones. Does that count?
This times TWICED!!! OHY!!!!!!.....y'all be careful and wash yur HANDZ!!!!!!!!! peace out
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
Central PA, the thing you really have to watch out for is people stopped at the bottom of an on-ramp. They might have a 1/2 mile merge lane, but they stop and wait.
The occasional Amish buggy train is something to watch out for as well.
The yahoos who. tailgate me when I'm already doing 10 over
What you guys talk about is multiplied times the 4-5-6 hours I'm doing my route driving a school bus.
I really try to protect my kids. So I let the yahoo's go ahead. My head is on a constant swivel not only watching the traffic but checking the kids aren't up and walking around or fighting or•••••
Then when the bus is empty I have to sanitize it in preparation for the next group or school. Picking up the stray glove, boot,or book bag.
I pull up to a stop and hope the traffic obeys my lights. What to do about the running late kid? If I pull out they don't get to school and their grades suffer but the traffic has already been stopped for more than 2 minutes and that's about the time limit drivers will wait for a school bus.
Add ice and snow. Narrow winding roads. A 40 foot bus with screaming excited kids.
The number of vehicles on the road I see missing lug nuts is truly staggering. I don't quite understand how it happens.
Cars running one (or more) space saver tire(s).
Local hazards? LED light bars. Only turn off when the engine stops. Enough LED light bars that even the Sun stops and says, "Holy hell, that's bright!"
Damn deer
A couple deer crossing signs were posted, but the entire 16 miles of my last commute was one long deer crossing area, they're berkeleying everywhere.
Dad hit one the other night, no damage tho.
NOT A TA said:
Cars running one (or more) space saver tire(s).
and oneof them is corded.
EDIT: I actually sold a lady 2 space saver replacement tires in 2 years because she would get a flat, run the spare until it also went flat and then get them both fixed at once. Those spares were like $170 per tire, the full size was $140. I'd think after the first one she'd have enough brain power to get the actual tire fixed or replaced..
Local hazard? Revolutionary war veterans going 15 in 65 zones.
RevRico said:
Local hazard? Revolutionary war veterans going 15 in 65 zones.
stop exagerating. They were clearly war of 1812 veterans