bobzilla said:
NOT A TA said:
Cars running one (or more) space saver tire(s).
and oneof them is corded.
EDIT: I actually sold a lady 2 space saver replacement tires in 2 years because she would get a flat, run the spare until it also went flat and then get them both fixed at once. Those spares were like $170 per tire, the full size was $140. I'd think after the first one she'd have enough brain power to get the actual tire fixed or replaced..
Here it's the people on the bottom of the economic ladder, they get the complete spares cheap at the junkyards. It's cheaper than buying used tires and having them mounted & balanced.
1/18/21 8:18 a.m.
Appleseed said:
Local hazards? LED light bars. Only turn off when the engine stops. Enough LED light bars that even the Sun stops and says, "Holy hell, that's bright!"
Cheap Chinese LEDs: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.
Falling rocks. And wildlife, from regular boring deer to bighorn sheep. And especially elk. I don't mean just an elk, I mean a hundred elk crossing the road at once.

bobzilla said:
RevRico said:
Local hazard? Revolutionary war veterans going 15 in 65 zones.
stop exagerating. They were clearly war of 1812 veterans
Oy, around here it seems like people do 80 in a 65 zone, but 20 in a 35.
I almost got hit sitting at a light the other day, by a honda so stanced and lowered it scraped going around a smooth corner. He almost ran into the side of my Disco because he could not turn the wheel tight enough to make the corner properly. There are a bunch of these cars running around.
other than that, it is the people going 90mph in a 50mph road through the marshes to and from work. One side has a jersey barrier the other side is all mud with only two lanes and a narrow shoulder seperating the cars from certain disaster.
In reply to newrider3 :
I take it you are close to Evergreen? I was playing golf there last summer and there were more elk than golfers there. I hit one shot into a herd of them and I was a little afraid they were going to retaliate.
dxman92 said:
Everybody around me not paying attention to the road and having their noses in their phones. Does that count?
I'll allow it
if you'll sign off on my whole community being a driving hazard since my daughter got her driver's permit last week.
Actually, she's doing very well and we've been practicing driving to Institution Ale Co. which is an awesome micro brewery about 12 miles away.
We're just getting pizza for now but hopefully dad can include a beer at some point.
People who pull out of a side roa in front of me, trusting that I see them and have good brakes.
Then they tun off at the next intersection causing me to slow once again
1/19/21 9:38 p.m.
Tourists. In cars they are unpredictable, as pedestrians they step in front of my 6500lb truck on Gulf Blvd like it can stop in 7 ft from 35mph. Sure you are in a cross walk but did you even look for traffic? If you did look, would you make the same move if you were in a car pulling out? You're on vacation, nothing bad can happen.
It hasn't been too bad this year with covid but I can usually sit at a light and see plates from 5 states and Canada on average. Its even tough to figure out what the official "rental car" is this year. One thing that is constant is everybody is lost.
We learn to deal with it because every person you see is going to leave about $1000 in the state before they go home.
Turtle vs. 35 series tire
Frost heaves in the spring vs 35 series tire
Any car with MA plates
Giant trucks and SUV's with drivers that seem more interested in the phone then the road. I've had 2 close calls in the zephyr . One the lady was so far left of center I hit a broken storm drain and destroyed both passenger tie rods and the ball joint trying to avoid her.
Winter: Redwood branches / trees falling across the highway. Rocks... Large Rocks on the highway. Roosevelt Elk having lodge meetings on the highway.
Summer: Tourists looking at the trees / elk / river. Stopped. In the middle of the highway.
So far just other drivers. I think the Covid incarceration made people forget things like turn signals, not blocking intersections or side roads and general politeness.
Over the last year, I've gotten stuck 3 times behind somebody almost a full car length from the stop line so the light won't cycle.
Considering I've done very little driving over the last year, maybe 2000 miles, it infuriates. And I see it way more than I am impacted by it.
Johnboyjjb said:
Over the last year, I've gotten stuck 3 times behind somebody almost a full car length from the stop line so the light won't cycle.
Considering I've done very little driving over the last year, maybe 2000 miles, it infuriates. And I see it way more than I am impacted by it.
What always gets smoke shooting out both my ears is this scenario: Long line of traffic waiting for a light at a busy intersection. With left turns rolled in, it must take 5 minutes for a complete cycle. The light finally turns green. Some inattentive driver directly ahead of me invariably lets a big gap open up in front of them as the first cars roll on through the intersection. The loop being empty, the light changes. Butthead sees the light change and squirts through as it turns red, leaving me to stop, wait, and curse his lineage.
1/20/21 8:55 a.m.
Or the people that sit in the intersection waiting to turn left, turning down multiple opportunities, then turn when the light turns red. I see that happen a lot.
My local hazards? Mostly people in Toyota’s driving overly cautious to the point of being a nuisance/danger to everybody else on the road
1/20/21 5:47 p.m.
In reply to preach (fs) :
Lol, y’all just north of me can be a bit aggressive too. Maybe it’s all the transplants. 
Johnboyjjb said:
Over the last year, I've gotten stuck 3 times behind somebody almost a full car length from the stop line so the light won't cycle.
Considering I've done very little driving over the last year, maybe 2000 miles, it infuriates. And I see it way more than I am impacted by it.
I once got stuck just beyond the sensors in my Disco. The car behind me stopped short. After missing two arrows to turn that never came up because nobody was over the sensors, I finally went once the coast was clear.