If he also wants to look for a place to settle down, there are worse places than southern Ohio and northern Kentucky. But it is more of a "nice place to live, not to visit" kind of area. Couldn't hurt for him to drive through and check it out on his way west.
In reply to eastsidemav:
It's a better place to be from than to be in 
Nick (Not-Stig) Comstock wrote:
In reply to eastsidemav:
It's a better place to be from than to be in
I don't know, I moved away and then came back. SW Missouri was nice, but I'm not sure there is enough money in the world to get me to move back to Oklahoma. 
Back on topic, while he's traveling, he may want to hop onto Zillow when he finds a place he likes, just to get an idea what it'll cost him to live there, and see if it is worth it.
8/17/15 8:53 p.m.
I didn't have $40k when I was 23 and I was married with a kid, so this is a question I've never thought of. I would go to the Caribbean and try to find work as a crew member or chef on a charter sailboat. Do that for maybe 4 months. I would spend time in the desert SW because that is a part of the county I've not been to much. I would drive up or down the Oregon coast and stop at all the state parks and sleep in the van. Get a motel every once in a while for a shower and to do laundry. I would also make sure the stereo had bluetooth and that if the van doesn't already have a second battery, I'd put one in.
In reply to madmallard:
Yes you are weird, wait till 63 to do what you want. If you're not sick, injured, or already dead. And maybe enjoy yourself for another 10 years. Never understood people who live their lives for the sole purpose of having money the decade before you die. Live now and die later!
Datsun1500 wrote:
In reply to madmallard:
It would suck to not make it to 63 and never use the money, never take that trip. I am 100% behind this trip. He did stuff the right way to be able to take this step, why not do it? If he's able to get this far by 23, he will be fine later on.
Unless he's very spendy- he's not going to really come close to using all of the money. Moreso if he's adventurous about where to stay- some less improved camping places are very cheap.
And if this finds him a place to spend the rest of his life, it's a great investment. May save the cost of moving a few times.
Even just for a month of driving around- the trip is worth it.
Amazing opportunity to take.
8/18/15 1:33 p.m.
I would have loved to do something like that in a 4x4 van or something like my Blazer Chalet and explore some of the harder to reach areas....especially in Mexico then trek on up to Alaska and see everything in between, then maybe head to the east coast after. I would hang a dirt bike off the back of it too. Actually the Pan American highway Flight Service posted looks killer, but I would want to hit both US coasts.
If you're really going to do it, go all the way. Skip the conversion van, grab this:

And then roll the pan american highway.
8/18/15 4:48 p.m.
Why limit it to a year, and why do it for free/paying for it?
alaskatourjobs.com - come work for Holland America/Princess in Alaska. Having an RV will save him paying for employee housing or finding a place to rent.
Xanterra and Aramark do concessions at most National Parks with a similar season and pay. Often include housing as well. I know they hire for Yellowstone and Yosemite since that's where I applied before I took the job in Alaska.
Then Ski bum all winter in the Rockies or roll to Florida for their winter tourist season. Or head south to Mexico and Central America.
rcutclif wrote:
If you're really going to do it, go all the way. Skip the conversion van, grab this:
And then roll the pan american highway.
is what I really want to do. Ya never know... it might work out.
But back to $40k, a year and a conversion van: avoid the Rust Belt IMHO, except as a tourist during the summer months. I personally could not live there during the winter and that includes the Northeast. Check out the Southeast and Southwest. The PNW is someplace I'd like to visit to see for myself, but if it really does rain like the urban legends all say I'd be packing my E36 M3 and moving quick.
I know everyone wants to live in Texas, California and Florida but those are three places I just could not see myself living in.
8/18/15 5:39 p.m.
The only problems with doing such a trip on a motorcycle are 1) the Amy and 2) wInter weather severely limits where you can go half the year.
It all depends on his sons goals for the trip. If it's wandering around with his gf in a van, 2 up on big bike probably won't cut it. Now if it were a solo trip?
In reply to Curmudgeon:
It's really great here in the fall when the colors change. Actually, doing a lake loop during the fall would be pretty amazing.
But if one is looking for an area- it's not a bad idea to be there at it's worst- Texas in the dead of summer, rust belt in the winter, etc. I can't deal with the south in the summer- heat stroke.
Have him read this for inspiration.
Blue Highways
Love the idea, has always been a dream of mine. Also, make sure he documents the trip.