Just noticed some videos I've put on Youtube have been copied by others. As in, they probably used some kind of script to copy the video and my "about" comment to their accounts. Then they put ads on it to make money. Most of these are creative-commons sharealike licensed, but they've put them up under the Standard YouTube license and not made any attributions, thus violating the license.
Frankly I have much bigger problems, but is there a quick and easy way to take care of this?
Contact Youtube?
they do a pretty good job of taking videos down if you tell them they took yours
So I guess I view the video, report it and select "infringes my copyright?"
Yea. That's about all you can do. PITA. I really hate when I see anyone but the creator making money off videos.
Sounds like it is worth a try.
Went through there, apparently I should actually use their Copyright Infringement Notification form if I don't want to initiate legal action against anyone...
I don't even care about making money off the videos myself, I just hate that this douche tried to relicense my vid. Under the license I used he could have got away with making money off it if he'd done it properly.
Oh wait there's no way to report a CC-BY violation, only issue a DMCA takedown...