the Starship Troopers thread got me thinking.
Say you had $50 million to spend and you were allowed EITHER:
Up to forty five 1-hour TV episodes
1 three hour movie
to produce any one piece of science fiction literature, what would you choose?
I'm really conflicted. They've already made Dune, so I'm thinking that "Ringworld" on the big screen would be fabulous. On the other hand, "The Mote in God's Eye" would rock as a single season of TV.
Whatcha got?
7/26/11 9:17 p.m.
not exactly Sci Fi, but what about Pratchett's Disc World? humor, the absurd, pratfalls, wit, and a variety of subjects, subplots, and characters to make a good, entertaining series without beating a horse to death.
7/26/11 9:25 p.m.
peter wrote:
not exactly Sci Fi, but what about Pratchett's Disc World? humor, the absurd, pratfalls, wit, and a variety of subjects, subplots, and characters to make a good, entertaining series without beating a horse to death.
That's actually been done already. I think by the BBC. They have The Color of Magic, Hogfather, and I think some others. Tim Curry is the head of the Wizards Guild. The actor who played Sam in LotR is The Tourist.
I'm a big Neil Gaiman (and Terry Pratchett) fan. I'd probably want to do either "American Gods" or "Good Omens". Probably "Good Omens".
At the mountains of madness. By H.P Lovecraft into a movie.
I think it's time for Nine Princes in Amber. I'm not sure which way I'd like it, though.
I would be very interested in a Good Omens movie or just bring back Firefly and I would be extatic.
Anyone here read Adrian's undead diary?
I'm pretty hooked, and would have a hard time not springing for making that into a TV show.
stroker wrote: ...I'm thinking that "Ringworld" on the big screen would be fabulous.
I read that in grade school. Or was it high school?
Wikipedia said:
Larry Niven reported in 2001 that a movie deal had been signed and was in the early planning stages. There have also been many abortive attempts to adapt the novel to the screen. In 2004, the Sci Fi Channel (Syfy) reported that it was developing a Ringworld miniseries.
45 1 hour TV episodes based on... Halo.
Bitches please, it would be amazing 
I'd split the difference and re-make a Dune TV Mini-Series. It's longer than a movie, but would be way too choppy as a 45 episode program. It would definitely be premium channel so no rules, but I was left wanting more out of the current Dune selection...
7/27/11 12:07 a.m.
Three hour movie, "The Dragonriders of Pern" by Anne McCaffrey.
Better than Avatar, no eco-propaganda.
Just heroes saving their world one day at a time.
And +1 for Firefly.
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
Bring back Farscape!
was that the "Muppets in Space" one, or was that the "Hercules in Space" one?
7/27/11 12:35 a.m.
novaderrik wrote:
was that the "Muppets in Space" one, or was that the "Hercules in Space" one?
Muppets in Space. Our main hero is kind of bumbling but good hearted (not pathetic, but constantly catching flak from shipmates raised in warrior cultures). Rigel is awesomely hilarious.
stroker wrote:
the Starship Troopers thread got me thinking.
Say you had $50 million to spend and you were allowed EITHER:
Up to forty five 1-hour TV episodes
1 three hour movie
to produce any one piece of science fiction literature, what would you choose?
I'm really conflicted. They've already made Dune, so I'm thinking that "Ringworld" on the big screen would be fabulous. On the other hand, "The Mote in God's Eye" would rock as a single season of TV.
Whatcha got?
$50 million for 45 one hour TV episodes? I couldn't do anything justice with that budget. Game of Thrones spent that in 10!
I'd do an Ender's Game mini-series (yes I know there's a movie in the works).
7/27/11 7:36 a.m.
Halo movie. After all the money you'd rake in after the first one, the movie studio would be handing you soooooo muuuuch money to make the next two in the trilogy.
For those who don't know how much the Halo franchise is worth, when Halo 3 (for Xbox 360) was released, it had a 24 hour sales of $170 the USA.
The last Harry Potter movie did $169 million in the USA for a whole weekend. Which is the all time record.
"the turtle moves" (i.e. small gods)
I'd do the TV Series, and make it the Eisenhorn stories by Dan Abnett. Or possibly the original trilogy by Ian Douglas (Semper Mars, Luna Marines, and Europa Strike), though I do like his new Star Carrier stuff better.
A movie of one of the following series: Tanith First and Only by Dan Abnett, Hammer's Slammers by David Drake, or Orphanage by Robert Buettner. All of these series have great writing, deep characters, and plenty of stories for the obligatory sequels.
I would get Kate Beckensale back in some tight black outfits and do a whole Underworld themed show where is is constantly prancing about killing stuff.
I see so many shows that use the basic premise of a wonderful Science fiction book and just abuse it.
As I first went to considering authors, Robert Heinlein came to mind.
I would love to see a good movie of "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".
But with the tech and effects needed we would burn through 150 million to do it right and the extra money would come with strings that would ruin the original story.
Most of his other stories have had the basic premise used somewhere..sometimes badly.
Pratchetts Discworld would be a great series with a few movies scattered in.
Might tick off a new group every week...but I count that as a plus.
Sometime the muck needs a good stirring!
P.S. It has Zombies in it too!
BTW, on Topic:
See Moon, you won't regret it, very good SciFi movie!

As a bonus, it has some very good "real NASA" type technologies / ideas in it. Special effects are actually pretty good (it was made during one of the strikes, so it got a lot better team then it might have otherwise)
I would love to see a Niven movie, I am just not sure how well it would translate. Showing a Pierson's Puppeteer might be a bit strange for most to take.
7/27/11 12:26 p.m.
Anyone here a fan of John Varley? What about "Titan" or "Steel Beach"?
Yah, my $ limit was a bit low. Should probably be $100 mil.