What is it with people that can't spell the simplest words? Lately on this forum and elsewhere I've been frequently seeing people mis-using the words "to", "too" and "two" . Grammar is not my strong suit, so I normally will not be two hard on people, but come on! How can you be an adult American and not know the proper usage of these three words?
What is it with people who post rants in the classifieds?

Was the improper use of "too" in the title intentional?
I know my phone likes to guess at words... I use Swipe so it offers too, to, two in the option box as I go.
I always try too proof-read before I post but I suppose there are times when haste or laziness wins over editing.
EvanB wrote:
What is it with people who post rants in the classifieds?
Doh! Forget I said anything. Now where is that hiding-under-something-in-shame emoticon... (yes, the improper use of too was intentional, as well as the similar gaffs in the post.)
bravenrace wrote:
EvanB wrote:
What is it with people who post rants in the classifieds?
Doh! Forget I said anything. Now where is that hiding-under-something-in-shame emoticon... (yes, the improper use of too was intentional, as well as the similar gaffs in the post.)
Hahahaha! Damn. I missed the mis-post (because latest topics on phone has no forum indicator).
Maybe you could sell you're rant for a $1?
I love haul (instead of hull) in CL listings for boats, and breaks (instead of brakes) for car listings. I get that not everyone has a high school diploma, but how many are not getting past the 4th grade?
4/1/14 9:58 a.m.
LOSE - not 'loose' for when you misplace something
PAID - not 'payed'
BREATHE (as a verb) - 'breath' is the noun form; you breathe a breath
INTENTS AND PURPOSES - not 'intensive purposes'
Not ranting, just offering up the information for use as you will.
Keep in mind that half the people you see every day, are below average intelligence.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Moved two Off-Topic.
Thank you (bravenrace bows head in shame...)
pinchvalve wrote:
I love haul (instead of hull) in CL listings for boats, and breaks (instead of brakes) for car listings. I get that not everyone has a high school diploma, but how many are not getting past the 4th grade?
Or "I need to sale fast".
Yes, we could go on all day about grammatical errors, but that's why I picked to, too, and two. I understand not everyone is strong on grammar, and as I said, neither am I, but the use of these three words are so incredibly simple to understand that it just kills me how often I see them misused.
SkinnyG wrote:
Keep in mind that half the people you see every day, are below average intelligence.
I'd say there are far more outliers on the lower end than the higher end, skewing the results to the negative.
I grew up with an English teacher and I think that just makes me give less of a E36 M3.
Chill out, dood. Their are better things two get angry about.
pinchvalve wrote:
I get that not everyone has a high school diploma, but how many are not getting past the 4th grade?
You don't have to actually be able to read, to get a HS diploma.
I'll be the first to admit I suck at grammar. Mostly, punctuation kicks my butt.
My brain processed the title into the Misfits Last Caress.
Not sure what that means on a comprehension or grammatical level.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
bravenrace wrote:
Yes, we could go on all day about grammatical errors, but that's why I picked to, too, and two. I understand not everyone is strong on grammar, and as I said, neither am I, but the use of these three words is so incredibly simple to understand that it just kills me how often I see them misused.
Told you I wasn't good with grammar.Although in my defense I initially worded that sentence to say "but these words are so incredibly...". I added the "the use of" to it and neglected to change the are to is.
Now if the use of "are" was wrong the way I initially wrote it, then I'm a dumb ass and need to shut up. 
It's OK, most people aren't.
I just love the irony.
(Not trying to be a pain in the neck)
Sky_Render wrote:
Chill out, dood. Their are better things two get angry about.
Who said I was angry? Are you my wife?
You do know that English is NOT the official language of the United States, right? It might be the most commonly spoken language, but it is not the "official" language. So get off your high-horse and realize that you don't always know who is on the other end of the screen you're looking at.
They could be someone with a learning disability or perhaps has to use an adaptive solution to type or to even see the screen. Many people in other countries usually have the patience to at least try to help us poor, dumb 'muricans when we try to use their language or when all we can communicate with is our broken version of English.
More and more, I'm noticing some "nose-up" attitudes creeping into this forum and its starting to concern me since this has been such a bastion of openness and welcoming and to see it turning into something you might see on "other" forums or sites.