This one is 100% mine. It came from the collection of a bike shop/Schwinn dealership owner in Champaign, IL(Champaign Cycles). I love the bike, but I’ve never been a fan of the drop-bar riding position or fixed-gear drive, so I’ve only put 5-10 miles on it in the 8+ years I’ve owned it.
It appears to have been “restored” sometime in the 1960’s or early 70’s based on most of the components & decals. I added the front brake(and new tires).
Unfortunately any remnants of the serial# are illegible from the scratches & scrapes of time - you can tell there were numbers on the dropout, but you can’t read them. However, the geometry, dropouts, and general construction match the pre-war Superior. At some point someone re-brazed the factory joints, so they’re not as pretty as factory, but seem structurally sound.
It’s hard to value it based on the above, but how does $450 sound for a GRM price?